Help!!! I went on an eating bender this week!

I have totally fallen off my diet wagon...4 days ago I went food shopping, packed my shelves with enough food for the month- and rather than make the food last the month,I ate most of it within 3 days.....I feel disgusting and like a failure....Yesterday I was constantly eating, today I've been constantly in the bathroom pooping...

This month has been awful...a pair of pants that were too big last month are now tight....I'm somewhere around 290, but got rid of my scale when I hit 275.

I'm supposed to be 190!!!!!

Today is my birthday (Nov 12), and my present to myself is to change my self destructive habits.....

I just feel so lousy and a failure from my binge eating...

How can I resiidt the urge to finsih the entire package of food in one sitting?

I don't want to be the 'fat guy' in my family anymore!!!!!
dude its all cool, its all about discipline, dont shop for the month bro.... shop for the week, eat before you go shopping too so your not craving everything you see....also remember you are not a prisoner, you are a free man so make your independant choices broham :D its a conscience decision to say train your self to say NO! it wont happen over night.....scream at the food if you have to and shout LEAVE ME ALONE! lol i have had to do that before, you can do this bro....the weight will fall off

oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :party:
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One trick you might want to try:

Any time you feel the urge for a food binge, drink a shot of lemon juice, a big glass of water, and while you're drinking the water, write down exactly what you want to eat, how many calories/fat it is, and why you want to eat it. Examine whether eating it fits in with your overall goals in life.

Then decide if you still want to eat it.
wow. thats a good idea. do u think if i had a shot of apple cider vinegar it'd be better?
i'm gonna try that. makes you look at the consequences before you make your move. it is hard to stop the binge urge. it's literally like you're posessed. yet we all know (those who have been there), that the guilt afterwards is so horrid. just keep picking yourself up.
thats all we can do. and try our best in the next round. lots of ppl have done it before. so we can too. keep strong and take care :)
I agree, it's all about discipline and motivation.

1. Set goals. If you haven't done this, you're limiting yourself. Use the SMART method. Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-based.

2. Write these goals down in multiple places so you can read them often. Put them in your cabinets in front of your food to remind yourself of your goals before you start eating.

3. Choice Architecture. Shape your environment to make it easy to do the behaviors that will take you to your goal and hard to do the behaviors that will take you away from your goal. Ex: Don't keep bad food in the house. Get at-home exercise equipment.

4. Food journal. Studies show that people who journal lose 2x as much weight as people who don't.

5. Start right now. Don't wait. Your next meal is the first healthy, weight-loss-promoting meal of a long chain of them. Do it right!
Most importantly, don't trick yourself into believing that because you had a bad weekend you have failed.

So you slipped a little. BIG DEAL! I had slip-ups and I still have lost over 70 lbs. The important thing is not to convince yourself that because you slipped up, its hopeless and you may as well resign yourself to being fat, so may as well eat this extra food since I'm a screw-up anyway, after all what's some more if I'm a failure, it's just a little more fail...

To paraphrase something I read here a while back, that's like slipping down a few steps and then throwing yourself the rest of the way down the stairs. And that's crazy. Yes, you slipped, it sucks. But you can still choose to make the next day better! And the next day, and the next day... One mistake does not failure make. Refusing to try again because of a mistake is the true failure.
that's like slipping down a few steps and thenthrowing yourself the rest of the way down the stairs

I love it!