Sport HELP I wake up 2-3 times throughout the night really hungry

Sport Fitness
When I go to bed I wake up 5-6 hours later really hungry and I need to snack on something, then I wake up again like 2 hours later and need to eat something small again before I eat a normal breakfast. I eat a meal normally an hour before I go to bed.

Can anyone help me with why I keep waking up like this or what I can do to prevent it? Thank you
You need to tell us what you eat throughout the day, your height, your weight, your training program you's not that simple mate
I am 5'8, 135-140 lbs., I do not have a set program or meal plan. I normally eat really healthy. Cereal, milk, sandwihces, rice and beans. I eat a lot of food though. I live on a college campus and when I go to a buffet type area to eat I can really put down a lot. I eat 4-5 times a day.
Either you think you eat a lot and you don't or you do eat a lot which comes down to the following: 1) you are one of the lucky ones that have a very sharp metabolism 2) you have hyperthyroidism that messes with your hormones 3) you eat a lot of high GI foods that makes you hungry after a couple of hours that affects your sleep. Check 1) and 3) before checking 2) with your doctor.
Got to be the hi GI foods. Try eating lower GI foods and eat some healthy fat along with them. It will slow gastric emptying. Try some nuts and seeds, no peanuts. There not a nut.
Well, everyone I talk to says it's my metabolism. I can out eat people three times my size and still be really hungry 2-3 hours later. I have never been above 140 lbs. in my life. I went from eating 4-5 times a day, to like 5-7 now. Like I literally ate 15 buffalo wings and celery one hour and 20 mins ago and am now eating cereal to not go to bed hungry. So I would also guess it's my metabolism. If that's the case what can I do about that?

What do you all mean by GI foods?
Well, everyone I talk to says it's my metabolism. I can out eat people three times my size and still be really hungry 2-3 hours later. I have never been above 140 lbs. in my life. I went from eating 4-5 times a day, to like 5-7 now. Like I literally ate 15 buffalo wings and celery one hour and 20 mins ago and am now eating cereal to not go to bed hungry. So I would also guess it's my metabolism. If that's the case what can I do about that?

What do you all mean by GI foods?

Hey Seyz,

Hi GI are foods that spike your insulin. Think sugary/simple carb stuff (candy, desserts, sauces, and probably that cereal you eat). This stuff gets you pumped for a little while but then makes you feel drained and hungry later on. I have a nasty habit of eating ice cream before bed because of this reason. I get the sweetest kind and I get sleepy pretty quickly after consuming it. I also wake up hungry.

Now as far as your metabolism I'll let others fill in that may also have this problem but I just want to point out that I've dated alot of skinny guys (I'm like a magnet to them) and they ALL say the same thing: "I eat alot" and "I can't weight more than x amount". Now a couple of these guys I've lived with and believe you me, they did NOT eat alot. I was able to outeat all of these guys while holding back. One got to weigh more than he ever weighed in his life after following my simple advice to eat more and lift weights. He followed a routine that I wrote out for him and I was his designated eating partner (although I gained too much in the process. Whoops!).

I'm just saying that maybe you should make a very detailed food/calorie log for a couple weeks to really see how much you really eat.
Cottage cheese? That could be good idea Anyone have any other suggestions on quick filling good.

It's just really really annoying. I know it could be a good thing that I can eat pizza, tacos, and what not and not worry too much but I literally wake up 2-3 times a night and have to eat a pop tart or cereal. Let alone the fridge in my dorm room is broken and can't have milk =/, so I have just been eating pop tarts and fruit at night when I wake up.

Let me know if anyone has any more suggestions

I am trying to gain weight which is actually working. Ideally I want to be around 145-150. But I fear when I get to that weight I will be really hungry. I am kind of eating somewhat sloppy now, not a great diet but it's pretty good and I do cardio 2-4 times a week. I fear that once I do hit 145-150 I won't be able to feel full on a "healthy" diet.

Does anyone have any recommendations to what I should do to keep feeling full and eat healthy? Thanks

Okay, take 1.5 L of ice cold water, 10 ice cubes, 3 servings of casein, 2 oz of almonds, 1/2 tsp of sea salt and 3 rounded teaspoons of psyllium husk (metamucil or similar brand of fibre supplement).

Chop cubes, almonds, salt and ice in blender until it looks sort of like milk. Then set to stir, pop off lid, dump in casein protein (recommend: banana, chocolate or chocolate banana flavor), let it mix a bit, then dump in psyllium husk, set to mix or even puree and let it run until it thickens into pudding.

Now eat your massive bowl of banana cream pie pudding, and if you don't feel and stay full after that, you probably have an intestinal parasite and should see a doctor. ;)

No, you can't substitute whey, it's not thick enough.

Alternatively, though, you could just eat as much cottage cheese with almonds mixed in as you can stomach. My way's better, ideally, I think. I am a scientist! :p
Okay, take 1.5 L of ice cold water, 10 ice cubes, 3 servings of casein, 2 oz of almonds, 1/2 tsp of sea salt and 3 rounded teaspoons of psyllium husk (metamucil or similar brand of fibre supplement).

Chop cubes, almonds, salt and ice in blender until it looks sort of like milk. Then set to stir, pop off lid, dump in casein protein (recommend: banana, chocolate or chocolate banana flavor), let it mix a bit, then dump in psyllium husk, set to mix or even puree and let it run until it thickens into pudding.

Now eat your massive bowl of banana cream pie pudding, and if you don't feel and stay full after that, you probably have an intestinal parasite and should see a doctor. ;)

No, you can't substitute whey, it's not thick enough.

Alternatively, though, you could just eat as much cottage cheese with almonds mixed in as you can stomach. My way's better, ideally, I think. I am a scientist! :p

Now that I think about it my horse had the same problem and it turned out he had worms :sad2:
I am 5'8, 135-140 lbs., I do not have a set program or meal plan. I normally eat really healthy. Cereal, milk, sandwihces, rice and beans. I eat a lot of food though. I live on a college campus and when I go to a buffet type area to eat I can really put down a lot. I eat 4-5 times a day.

K. What kind of cereal. Because cereal these days is all carbs and manufactured sugar. Sandwiches can be good or bad. Id recommend you eat wheat bread unless your looking for bad carbs. Rice is good carbs (usually) and beans are really ideal if there black. Baked beans are horrible for your loads of fat and cholesterol. I dont recommend you eat meals before bed its all gunna stay in your stomach and wont burn off as your at rest. If your trying to gain weight eat right. Eat lots of good carb's and take plenty of fatty acids i.e Fish/Flax Seed Oil. Protein is also ideal for weight gain. So when you say you eat 4-5 times a day your not specific enough. I eat 5-6 times a day but there not all meals. Misguiding.
Do you by any chance take sleeping pills or something alike? I found whenever i would take sleeping pills I would wake up a few hours after falling asleep and be super hungry. And being half asleep + hungry = disaster.

Eating low GI foods during the day and casein before bed is definitely good advice. The whole waking up starving has alot to do with fluctuating insulin levels (which are greatly affected by the types of carbohydrates you eat). You could try having your last meal of the day packed with fibre (combined with a low GI diet), as that will stable your insulin levels... allowing you to avoid the 'crash' half way through sleep, causing your body to crave glucose.

Maybe install a self-timing lock on your fridge =P
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