Help! I just signed up for Race for the Cure...

Help! I just signed up for Race for the Cure... and I never run! I always do elliptical or bike for my cardio. It's in about 6 weeks, any tips on how to gear up for the race? They say some people just walk, some even push their kids in strollers. It's just a fundraiser thing. But I want to run in it and not look stupid next to the other runners! LOL!
how long is it? You could always walk three-quarters of it and then run the last quarter. That way you just look like last place.
It's only a couple of miles! I think about 3 miles. It's in a hilly area. I just found out that the people I signed up with are all wanting to walk, so I'm a little bummed. I'm not sure if I'm going to run alone or slack off with my teammates! LOL!
Try this ..maybe ?

Angelkae said:
Help! I just signed up for Race for the Cure... and I never run! I always do elliptical or bike for my cardio. It's in about 6 weeks, any tips on how to gear up for the race? They say some people just walk, some even push their kids in strollers. It's just a fundraiser thing. But I want to run in it and not look stupid next to the other runners! LOL!

Maybe you can replace a couple of your cardio days with a brisk walk, working up to a jog. Maybe try a mile or so at first, more if you can, I'm sure you can do more :) Mix it up a bit ... walk a few minutes, then jog as long as you can, then back to walking and so on. That might be a start for you. Just my thoughts. You may get better ideas than mine. Lots of good help on here.
jpc1058 said:
Maybe you can replace a couple of your cardio days with a brisk walk, working up to a jog. Maybe try a mile or so at first, more if you can, I'm sure you can do more :) Mix it up a bit ... walk a few minutes, then jog as long as you can, then back to walking and so on. That might be a start for you. Just my thoughts. You may get better ideas than mine. Lots of good help on here.

I could probably start with a jog. I'll do as much as I can and go up from there! Thanks for the advice.