Help! Healthy supplement to add to diet/excercise?


New member
This mama needs weight loss advice!! Three years ago, after I had my son, I was 206lbs. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 9 years old. When my son was about 6 months old, I started a very strict diet and exercise program, The 6 Week Total Body Makeover, and I worked out 4-5 days a week for 2 hours at a time. Within 2 years I had dropped 50lbs and was 15lbs away from my goal weight. I felt FANTASTIC!! Then in July I managed to get a herniated disc in my low back along with a partial dislocation of a vertebrae, excruciating pain! I was laid up for weeks, then on pain killers, muscle relaxers, etc for 5 months. I couldn’t work out like I used to, and the pain killers made me hungry all the time. On top of that I got the mirena IUD which makes me ALWAYS hungry and have pregnancy cravings. In August I started the radiology program at college and now I barely have time to think, much less stick to the diet and exercise program that worked so well for me. I’ve now gained back 25lbs and I’m so depressed and angry with myself! I got my first epidural steroid injection in my back to relieve the pain last month and am getting the second of 3 shots this coming Friday and it’s helping so I am slowly starting to work out (very carefully) again. I just went through my kitchen any threw away all the crap food and am starting back eating as healthy as I can with the time I have. I really need advice on a healthy supplement to add to my program to assist in curbing my appetite and cravings so I can stick to this and not be miserable all the time. PLEASE HELP!! Thank you!
That's a tough one. A lot of food intake is not actually hunger cravings, but used to supplement boredom or habits (snacking late at night, for example). You've already done an important step by removing a lot of garbage from your house. Make sure you include an concentrated juices, as well. That's just a pile of sugar. The healthy part of fruit is not the juice but everything else.

Water can really help. If you have a craving for food, try having a glass of water. Don't like water?

Weight loss / control is all about the amount of calories you consume. If you limit the bad calories and portion sizes, you should be well on your way to controlling your weight.

Ad for exercise, if you can even go for a 30m walk every day, that can make a huge difference and may even help your back pain.
I would say that losing weight is bound to help with that back pain.
We all need as much motivation that we can get - and the idea of that would help me do all I could.

I know that you are busy and restricted by your injury - but if you can walk that would be brilliant.

Even if you cannot find the time to do it all at once... I found that wearing a pedometer for every step of the day really helped me to increase my activity level. The number at the end of the day can challenge you to do a little more the next day.

I know that I have a magic number and I am only happy if my pedometer has reached that number by the end of the day.
You will lose the weight just keep up what you are doing by seeking information. The best thing for you to do is what you are doing now by feeding your brain with new ideas. Just remember when you start to lose weight stay consistent and persistent at you are doing to lose that weight. I replied to a post not to long ago and what i said should help you also so ill say it again. There are a few all natural extracts that help induce weight loss that you can try they are Green Tea, Yerba Mate, Birch Leaf, Coleus Forskohlii. They are all natural substances so it will be a healthy way to lose weight. They have been traditionally used in cultures around the world for their natural properties.

Green Tea contains EGCG, which is used in a variety of natural weight-loss products. It is believed to support a healthy metabolism.

Yerba Mate is used to promote a feeling of satiety.

Birch Leaf has been used to make a tea, while birch sap is believed to have tonic qualities in Belarus, Russia, the Baltic States, Finland, and parts of northern China.

Coleus Forskohlii is effective at aiding fat loss

You can also use Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which is an essential fatty acid from vegetable sources like safflower oil, and has been shown to support lean muscle retention. That will get you more out of every workout. If you want to know more just reply or send me a message using that private message option wile viewing my profile.