help gain muscle

i need help with my workout plan. im new at working out. im 16 year old,weight 130 and 5'9 tall. i pretty skinny and i need help gaining in order for me to create muscle i need to eat more correct?i heard i have to eat 6 time a day. what do i have to eat and what are my workout a day.
Well whatever you do, eat healthy! By eating fast food and other crap you're not really gonna be doing your body any good. I find that i have to eat more like 10 times a day, or basically just whenever i can. I'd go for a good push/pull/legs/ split. I do push/pull and it works great for me. And i'm 19 years old and 134 pounds and 5'10.
do a day of pulling excersises and then a day of pushing excersises (with weights) (deadlifts are pull, squats are push, bench press is push, etc)
um for more muscle mass try some for working out do heavy lifting with 6 reps and like 3 sets. man you guys are like twigs, im 13, 123bl, 5'5...
Here's pretty much a breakdown of the basic rules of muscle building:
1. Get plenty of protein and healthy calories
2. Get plenty of sleep (7 - 9 hours)
3. Give particular muscle groups a chance to rest
4. For muscle growth, the more sets, the better. For strength building, the more weight the better.
5. Cardio can be counterproductive to muscle growth - stick to sprinting/HIIT when you can
6. Don't neglect muscle groups (I'm talking about all you guys who never do legs!)
7. Work your core muscles!
As far as supplementation, here's a breakdown. All of these are safe to take as directed, not everyone has the same effect from each of them, but they can all contribute to an effective muscle building program.

1. Creatine - more energy, safe to take
2. NO2 - nutrients reach muscles faster, better muscle repair, more pump
3. Protein - necessary for muscle building. Try to get 1g - 1.5g per lbs of lean body mass. Use supplementary protein when your meals lack protein or you miss a meal.
4. Thermogenics - give you a small jolt of energy, help you burn calories
5. Meal replacements - generally shakes or powders. These basically contain all the nutrients you need for living - without the junk. Great if you know there's a meal you miss consistently.
6. Weight gainers - if you're trying to put on a lot of muscle fast, the key is going to be having enough energy (calories) in the body. Weight gainers are usually in powder form and can be bought in bulk (pun!)
7. Amino acid complexes - prevent catabolism. Combine the energy-producing aminos in protein so that your body doesn't break down muscle
8. Energy complexes - there are only a few of these on the market, but they dramatically increase your energy, pump, and focus. SuperPump 250 is one of the best out there.
8. Tribulus - an herb (tribulus terrestrim) which increases the body's natural production of testosterone
9. ZMA - improves the body's absorption of testosterone (decreasing estrogen conversion)
geez, looking at that list it seems like there's so much good stuff out there. Would it be most beneficial to take all of those things if you have enough money to fund it? (Not saying I do, just wondering how effective they all are).