Help for Dinner


New member
we have a very busy lifestyle which does not allow to much time to prepare a healthy dinner. I'am racing around between school, homework, sports and trying to cook a healthy mealr. I'am running out of ideas and would appreciate any help. Usually I cook Spagetti with
tomatoesauce, out of the glas, with fresh veggies (broccoli, carrotts, beans, pepper) and a caesear salad or stir fry's with pasta and different types of sauce, e.g. peanutbutter sauce, creamy sauce or soya sauce and often also a Chili but we all get a bit tired and I'am looking for new ideas.:eek:
how about a nice stew ... fill it with meat and some nice vegies ... best bet, get a slow cooker ... you just throw everything in at once (about 10 minutes prep) and let it cook for 6-10hrs (depending on how much time u have - i prefer 10hrs to get all the flavour)