Weight-Loss Help for a Picky Eater!!!!!



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OMG I'm the worst when it comes to food! I don't care for veggies and can hardly get myself to eat fruit (though I do love fruit)... I am almost 24, and yet I eat like I'm 10... I prefer Pizza and fast food! I do like a lot of foods, usually ones that don't have any veggies in them... I really need help to change this about myself! I'm eating salads (finally), but usually only lettuce with chopped carrots...

Does anybody have any advice for an extremely picky eater???

Oh, and I prefer sodas to water... but I'm working on this right now :)
Why don't you like vegetables and fruits?

IN most cases, it's the preparation method that throws people off... play with different preparation methods -vegetables don't need to be boiled until they are dead... there's a lot better ways to prepare them...

Pizza is fine once in a while -it won't kill you - put some vegetables on your pizza...

Experiment with food - go to the grocey store and try different things... go to an ethnic restaurant and expand your horizons..
I don't know why I don't like vegetables... I never have... and it's annoying. But I'm opening my mind as much as possible! I never thought about how I prepare the food... I'll have to see about changing it up a bit :)
lose the canned vegetables... go for fresh...

my favorite method of cooking vegetables - is roasting -it gives them a really nice flavor -especially broccoli...

just throw some fresh broccoli on a pan - add a little bit of olive oil, maybe some lemon juice, salt if you use it, pepper and put it in the oven (I use th toaster oven) for about 15 minutes... when the broccoli is a bright green with tinges of brown -it's done... toss with some parmesancheese if you like, or some balsamic vinegar or soy sauce if you want some added kick... and you're done..

easy, fast, and oh so delicious..
Once I thought I didn't like peas, then my husband introduced me to frozen ones - they taste the most like fresh w/o being fresh. And I changed my mind about them.

I agree - you got to go fresh - but frozen will work too especially if you are cooking it.
some frozen vegetables are kinda gross - I always hated broccoli as a kid and thought I hated it as an adult because my mother always made the frozen boiled until it was dead... Really gross... I still hate frozen broccoli - but the fresh stuff -I adore...
Mal - that would be gross - like canned veggies.

I guess it's all in the way you cook it - mine is "steamed" and it's not "dead". Or I will stir-fry it with chicken. Oh and I do use the microwave to "steam" it. ;) I also have a bamboo steamer, which I don't use as much because it takes too much to set it up (old style.)
well if you like chopped carrots try other veggies raw. ones similar texture to carrots, as a vegan my eating is totally opposite to yours (NO junk food or pizza!!) and i love all vegetables (except brussel sprouts, eugh) when you cook veg it looses all the goodness anyways :)

try some raw sweetcorn, on pizza its nice if not in a salad it goes nice with carrot and lettice. try different green leaves like spinach (eat like its lettuce) i dunno what stuff you have in the u.s. but if you have rocket salad try this also if you can, its pretty much like lettuce but a bit darker. dont try n put yourself in the deep zone, just try new things slowly and if you dont like it, dont panic! try somrthing else. BUT always come back to things you didnt like a few months after. your taste is constantly evolving and as you eat more veg youll reaise how nice they are and try more :)
I guess it's all in the way you cook it - mine is "steamed" and it's not "dead". Or I will stir-fry it with chicken. Oh and I do use the microwave to "steam" it. ;) I also have a bamboo steamer, which I don't use as much because it takes too much to set it up (old style.)

It's really individual tastes that's why people have to play around wiht different cokijng methods -I hate steamed vegetables - they are so bland to me - same for anything microwaved.. Roasted is my preferred method...
It's really individual tastes that's why people have to play around wiht different cokijng methods -I hate steamed vegetables - they are so bland to me - same for anything microwaved.. Roasted is my preferred method...

So true. :)
Congratz on making making those small changes- have ya to start somewhere. Also it's a big step to recognise the "problem" with not getting enough fruits and veggies.

I suggest two things:
1. Understanding the nutritional value in veggies and fruits and that your body needs them. They will never taste like a chocolate cake, or a pepperoni pizza, but you need to eat them anyway. (Kinda like when Mom would say, you cant have dessert until you eat your veggies :) If one type literally tastes horrible to you, dont eat it. But there may be others that are "ok" tasting and you should eat soley because it is good for ya.
2. Try different veggies and try them in different ways. There are hundreds of veggies out there, and just as many ways to prepare them. Many veggies taste completely different in the raw than then do cooked- like onions for example. They are very strong raw, but cook them and they can be sweet!Be adventurous and try something new! There has to be something that you like- maybe even something that you LOVE, but you just have not found it yet.

Good luck!
Part of this is simply psychological. People who grow up on sweet food end up having a sweet tongue. They are used to sugar, and hence they like sugary foods. But then there are those who never ate anything sweet at all for a long time, and for them just some plain butter cake can be too much.

The solution is not so much in finding another sort of food other than vegetables. You might not like them now, but over time you will grow to like them. I have found that with me. I didn't like a certain type of food, but as I ate more of it, I acquired a taste for it.

Best of luck! Just eat those veggies! They'll put hair on your chest ;)