Help constructing a workout?

I am a 17 year old in high school. Starting this summer, I want to get on a new workout plan. I wish to develop my upper body and arm muscles, improve my core strength, and increase my cardiovascular stamina. I want to build up my arm/upper body strength for pole vaulting, as well as the core and cardio for running distances and to maintain endurance.
I just need to put together some type of running and training workout, but I'm not sure where to start. I plan on waking up early in the mornings to workout for a few hours. Some ideas of exercises include:

-Upper body: Pull ups (chin ups)
-Running: (Not sure how much/in what increments to increase my cardio stamina?)
-Core: sit up twists, leg raises, leaning twists, frog kicks, crunches
-Stomach: Roman chair sit up
Any suggestions of any other good exercises, as well as a good way to schedule them to be able to do them all, without over straining myself?

*I have full access to a track, treadmill, pull up bar, and multi-exercise weight lifting machine

All help is appreciated in advance :]
Since you're training with some athletic goals in mind, you should be aware of the fact that force develops from the ground up, so leg strength exercises should also be in your program. If you don't have access to any dumbells or barbells, then that'll be a limiting factor. With your Roman Chair you can do hyperextensions and glute-ham raises, which are both great posterior chain exercises which will work your spinal erectors, your glutes and your hamstrings. For the front of your legs, lunges are also a good exercise. In an ideal world you'd be able to do squats and pulls from the floor (deadlifts, power cleans, snatches etc), which would really help out.

Regarding upper body, are you able to set up your pull up bar to also allow you to do dips? That would be really handy if you could.

You probably don't need all those core exercises. One exercise for rectus abdominis (the 6-pack muscle), one for obliques (the side muscles which you use in twisting), and possibly one for deep core (do a low-level Pilates exercise). You've got at least 4 rectus abdominis exercises there - you can lose a few.
So, in terms of the amount of each exercises what should I do on a weekly basis in a way that doesn't overwork my muscle groups?

This is what I'm looking at based on your points:
  • Frog kicks on ground or pull up bar? (rectus abdominus)
  • Sit-up twists (external obliques)
  • Roman chair crunch (internal obliques)
  • Plank (transversus abdominus, or deep core)

Upper Body:
  • Pull Ups
  • Dips (Yes, I can adjust my bar to do those as well)

  • Glute/Ham rases on Roman chair

Not sure what increments or amounts to set up these exercises in, as well as what days in a week to alternate them.
Also, for running/cardio, how should I train that? I was just thinking good old fashioned running for a few miles every other day, but I've heard that doing that is out dated and can cause more harm than good, and that short incremental sprinting is better. Any suggestions?

I forgot to mention that I also go to tae kwon do classes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, consisting mainly of cardio warm ups, lots of kicking and dynamic exercises, and sparring, providing the better part of an hour's steady cardio