Help choosing correct supplement

Hi, im 21 5"8 and ~68kg. I Have recently started to make an effort to hit the gym alot more 3-4x a week rather than just the once in an effort to build muscle and put on a bit more weight.

I have average sized meals, but have read its important to eat more calories than average when trying to gain mass. This leads into my question of best choices of supplements. Being completely new to supplements and finding the amount of different supplements available im finding it a bit overwhelming to decide which is best.

From a bit of searching I have come across

boditronics mass attack
reflex instant mass

Not sure which of these, if any would be best. I would like to put on a small amount of mass, but mostly focus on lean muscle. I know cyclone contains creatine which i believe to be important? Any advice appreciated. Thanks
None of those. You are putting WAY too much emphasis on supplements. Remember, they 'supplement' your diet. Many people use zero supplements and look like pro-athletes...and I don't mean Babe Ruth either.

If you want creatine, get some plain creatine monohydrate.
A good whey or whey + casien protein is also handy.
A daily multivitamin for 'insurance'.
And some fish oil for essential fatty acids (omega 3/6/9).

That's it. MASS gainer powders are just a protein powder and sugar. Eat a steak and 2 baked potatoes...its the same thing, tastes better, often costs less, and its likely got more nutrients. Plus its steak :)
None of those. You are putting WAY too much emphasis on supplements. Remember, they 'supplement' your diet. Many people use zero supplements and look like pro-athletes...and I don't mean Babe Ruth either.

If you want creatine, get some plain creatine monohydrate.
A good whey or whey + casien protein is also handy.
A daily multivitamin for 'insurance'.
And some fish oil for essential fatty acids (omega 3/6/9).

That's it. MASS gainer powders are just a protein powder and sugar. Eat a steak and 2 baked potatoes...its the same thing, tastes better, often costs less, and its likely got more nutrients. Plus its steak :)

and who doesn't like steak :jump1:
I use no supps at all, not even whey powder and ive put on lean muscle. I guess they cant hurt but i read so much about ppl wastin their money on stuff that doesnt work anyway. I eat big and healthy, learn about nutrition first and then you'l be able to conform your body to how you want it along with your weight and cardio regimen.
Some supplements are just plain marketing.. Its a big billion dollar industry so you got to be careful and it can be expensive. However, it really depends what gains you are trying to achieve. Two choices, either you want to gain muscle mass or just getting cut like Bruce Lee. There are supplements combos called stacks which really work and they help you push harder and stop muscle fatugue etc.. combined with eating well. You should be able to see gains in the first two weeks. my brother used the Muscle Stack and got pretty massive.

You can find the muscle stack under the muscle mass section in the link below..