Help and/or comments on my circuit training routine

Hello everyone,

I've been letting myself slide for a few years now and its time to get back into it. From what I remember the last time I quit was because doing sets of the same thing were boring me. So this time, a different approach - Circuit training.

I only have a punch bag, barbell (more weights than I can lift in one) and a bench(no incline). My regime each day are aimed at 1 exercise per section, being - Upper body (chest, arms), Middle body (abs), and Lower body (Legs).

My overall aim is to trim up some and improve my balance.

Soft workout A: 3-4 sets
Bench press
Leg raises
Kicks to punch bag

Soft workout B: 3-4 sets
Barbell curls
Sit ups
Kicks to punch bag

Hard workout: as many sets as possible, as the next day is rest day
Push ups alternating with Barbell curls
Jack knifes

And these are the days I will be doing what;
Monday - Soft workout A
Tuesday - Hard workout
Wednesday - Resting
Thursday - Soft workout A
Friday - Soft workout B
Saturday - Hard workout
Sunday - Rest

All exercises will have stretching warm ups before hand, I will work as fast and hard for a timed length (around 30 seconds, but will decide after a week or 2). and will finish will some stretches to increase flexibility and a cold shower :D

Any modifications to increase performance/ decrease injury are welcome.

Thank you,

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Where's the lower body exercises? For example, squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc. Ditto back exercises like rows or pullups/chinups. Dedicated bicep work without matching dedicated tricep work.

If you're looking to drop weight, consider doing a full body workout 3 to 4 times a week rather than a split routine.