!!Help and Critique my Meals and Workout!!

Hey, I'm new. I'm 15 and about 145 lbs. I've been working out for a couple months now, but I really want to get serious about it. I want to have a good workout plan and really watch my diet. I'm pretty skinny so I don't really need to lose weight, I just want to lower my body fat %. Here are some pics of me, (srry, not the best quality, but you get the idea). Anyway, my goal is to not be so scrawney looking, so i'll feel more confident when i go to the pool and stuff. Eventually, i would like to get a six pack, noticable chest muscle, bigger arms, strong looking back and shoulders. my legs are already pretty good. i'm willing to eat right, and do the work. here's my normal diet. (i know its not great). I don't have much love handles, but in that area, it kind of sticks out from the rest of my body. does anyone know why, or how to make it look straight instead of out?

Breakfast: Toast and Milk or Carnation (breakfast type drink). Or Somedays a egg,cheese bagel thing.

Lunch: Sandwich (grill cheese, PB&J- w/either apples or chips. Milk.

Snacks: I don't have tons of snacks, but if I do its normally a pop tart or something.

Dinner: whatever my moms makes. Like chicken, potatoes, peas,corn,carrots, fish, soup. w/ Water.

So that was my eating diet, here's my workout I normally do. (everyother day, or i split the workout and do diff. muscles each day). I do 3 sets of each excercise with heavy wieghts where i can only do 8-12 reps. Here's the workout equipment I have at my house: Bowflex, Notolus Weights (dont know how to spell it), Elliptical, Treadmill, Bicycle, Pull Up Bar, and Ab Lounge 2. So I don't go to the gym.

One Day: Flat Bench Press (Bar) , Inclined Bench Press (Bowflex), Falt Bench Press (dumbells). flat bench Butterflys (Dumbells). Inclined Bench Butterflys (bowflex). Then I do bicep curls, and shoulder press (dumbells). and front and side raises (dumbells). I do some pull ups, and calf raises (however you spell it). Then I do just 20 situps on the Ab Lounge, (which actually gives me a workout). Somedays I run a mile or two, but I really have to motivate myself to run.

Well that's what I do, please feel free to help and critique my workout and meals, I really want to get in great shape and have noticable muscles. Food wise, if you could suggest some food I could have to make my diet better, and thats easy to find at the store, and easy to make. thanks.


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Hey, how tall are you?
Poptarts generally aren't a good idea.
I'll add to this later.
OK, first the diet:

Not awful, but try and eat more frequently than three times a day, if you can. Even a protein bar in between meals would be helpful. I'm not so concerned about the snacks because you are pretty thin. Most importantly, you are 145 lbs and you want to add muscle, so you need to do two things:

(1) Consume 145g of protein per day.
(2) Consume slightly more calories than you burn each day--you can only add muscle if you consume more than you take in. But don't over do it, or you'll add too much body fat.

As for the workout:

I am confused. You do all that in one day? If so, STOP! Don't workout for more than one hour. If you do, your testosterone level will decrease and you'll end up doing more harm than good. Pick some good compound exercises. Bench press, pullups, and squats are a great start. And concentrate on them. You could (1) do all three every other day for a full-body workout, or (2) do several presses one day, then several pulls a day later, then legs a day after that. I do one body part each day of the week, but as a beginner I'd start with one of the first two suggestions.

I've been lifting for nine years and I've seen great progress after the first several years of futility. Trust me, I've made all the mistakes you are about to make. DON'T. Check out my website, and I'll give you some great advice.
Hey, I'm new. I'm 15 and about 145 lbs.

Breakfast: Toast and Milk or Carnation (breakfast type drink). Or Somedays a egg,cheese bagel thing.

Lunch: Sandwich (grill cheese, PB&J- w/either apples or chips. Milk.

Snacks: I don't have tons of snacks, but if I do its normally a pop tart or something.

Dinner: whatever my moms makes. Like chicken, potatoes, peas,corn,carrots, fish, soup. w/ Water.

So that was my eating diet, here's my workout I normally do. (everyother day, or i split the workout and do diff. muscles each day). I do 3 sets of each excercise with heavy wieghts where i can only do 8-12 reps. Here's the workout equipment I have at my house: Bowflex, Notolus Weights (dont know how to spell it), Elliptical, Treadmill, Bicycle, Pull Up Bar, and Ab Lounge 2. So I don't go to the gym.

One Day: Flat Bench Press (Bar) , Inclined Bench Press (Bowflex), Falt Bench Press (dumbells). flat bench Butterflys (Dumbells). Inclined Bench Butterflys (bowflex). Then I do bicep curls, and shoulder press (dumbells). and front and side raises (dumbells). I do some pull ups, and calf raises (however you spell it). Then I do just 20 situps on the Ab Lounge, (which actually gives me a workout). Somedays I run a mile or two, but I really have to motivate myself to run.

Well that's what I do, please feel free to help and critique my workout and meals, I really want to get in great shape and have noticable muscles. Food wise, if you could suggest some food I could have to make my diet better, and thats easy to find at the store, and easy to make. thanks.

Not a very solid diet, and a lousy routine.
You have 5 pectoralis major movements, 1 Bicep brachii, 1 lateral deltoid movement, 1 Anterior deltoid movement, 1 Latisimus Dorsi, and one 1Gastrocnemus(SP? always forget how to spell that.) BTW, These are the direct "focus" muscles used, not counting any stabilizers or any other types.
Thats one hell of an unbalanced workout.

First off, You only need one horizontal press. Which is in this case, the flat bench press. While the incline is more clavicular based. The flat already works this area enough alone. You should however cycle the use of the flat with an incline/decline and so on between workouts or bi-workout. All your doing is over training the chest area in general.

There is no squats or deadlifts to speak of, major mistake. The pull up is already hitting the biceps hard no need for the bicep curl, in the same workout.

As well the entire back is being near ignored except for some working of the lats thanks to the pull ups.

Check the weight lifting sticky then ask back any more questions you may have.
I've been lifting for nine years and I've seen great progress after the first several years of futility. Trust me, I've made all the mistakes you are about to make. DON'T. Check out my website, and I'll give you some great advice.

Place the link in your signature. Please, discontinue this act of placing it in every single post along with that same line...
I'm about 5' 9 or 5' 10, can anyone help me with my diet? and would Whey protein powder be good, to get some extra protein in my diet? plus what are some good calorie foods, tha arn't bad for you that I could eat to have more calories than i burn?
Will do--see signature. Whey protein is a good choice for post-workout because it is absorbed quickest. Casein is on the other extreme (high quantities of casein in dairy) and is a good choice before bed because you are not getting any nutrition during your 7-9 hours of sleep. For starters, eat lots of chicken and fish to make sure you get sufficient protein. Also, cottage cheese is a muscle builder's favorite.
alright, thanks