Help and advice needed

I never commented on anything other then the fact that you state all active men only require 1,800-2,000 calories.

Do you need glasses? I did not say that... go back and reread.

I said for HIM (or I used the word you) to maintain a weight with a very inactive lifestyle and what I assumed to be severe muscle loss giving that his calories are slow and he's not burning the fat off... and that that HE (or the word YOU) would need to consume roughly (yes I said ROUGHLY) 1,800-2,000 calories per day depending on muscle mass/activity level - which I meant to be on the very very low low end of the scale. Given that he is consuming 1,500 calories a day, it does not add up unless he has very high body fat and very low muscle with a crap low protein bad carb bad sugar diet. Have you even read my posts?

I stated a normal inactive man needs roughly 2,400 cals a day to maintain, but a body builder needs 6k calories a day and sometimes thousands more. Slow down there killer and relax, maybe your insulin levels are spiked or something.
Do you need glasses? I did not say that... go back and reread.

I said for HIM (or I used the word you) to maintain a weight with a very inactive lifestyle and what I assumed to be severe muscle loss giving that his calories are slow and he's not burning the fat off... and that that HE (or the word YOU) would need to consume roughly (yes I said ROUGHLY) 1,800-2,000 calories per day depending on muscle mass/activity level - which I meant to be on the very very low low end of the scale. Given that he is consuming 1,500 calories a day, it does not add up unless he has very high body fat and very low muscle with a crap low protein bad carb bad sugar diet. Have you even read my posts?

I stated a normal inactive man needs roughly 2,400 cals a day to maintain, but a body builder needs 6k calories a day and sometimes thousands more. Slow down there killer and relax, maybe your insulin levels are spiked or something.

Men (Active)
Active men typically need about 1800-2000 calories per day"

I see not anywhere in the above direct quote where you state "you" or any other words that would relate that to the OP.

And as you said
For you to maintain a normal healthy weight with a very inactive lifestyle, you would need to consume roughly 1,800-2,000 calories per day
Thats still wrong, He would still be loosing weight at that pace. He could NOT maintain at that even under a low intensity lifestyle.

While most inactive out of shape men can consume 2,400 calories and maintain their current weight,
If all men were completely Identical, with completely identical lifestyles, than you could say this. But they are not, there for you can't say this with any hope of accuracy.

you would need to consume roughly 1,800-2,000 calories per day depending on muscle mass/activity level.
Again, you are saying he, with complete certainty, needs to consume within that small 200calorie window to maintain weight. He would be loosing weight even if he had an 8 hour desk job then went home and slept the rest of the time at that level.

I just don't understand where these generalizations come from. I don't care about any of your other comments. I simply asked about the above^. That is not an attack, that is inquiring about where you began to construct such rash generalizations that do not hold true in the real world.
So... let me get this straight guys... (it is apparent my posting here somehow stepped on your toes, but keep in mind, I'm warranted to post on the forum as much as you are, this is not your territory and this is not a territory war, and your offensive nature is well, offensive and very rude to the original poster.)

By your use of the word "guys" I hope you are not including me in that context. If so, it's idiocy in it's purest form.

I was speaking with regards to the subject at hand.... and that's it. Nothing more. To think that I somehow had my toes stepped on leads me to believe that something is mentally unstable with you. Therefore, it's not worth my time to "debate" anything with you since it's likely to go absolutely nowhere.

Have fun.