
I figured I'd post an introduction along with the few other posts I have entered.

I am a law enforcement student in my final semester before achieving my Bachelor of Science degree in Law Enforcement. This coming summer I participate in the Skills program required for MN Peace Officer Standard Training (P.O.S.T.) certification. My goal is to get into better shape than I am currently in, not only in burning the fat reserves and building muscle, but in flexibility. Even growing up, I was about as flexible as a 2X4.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I am almost 28, six foot and around 300lbs. No clue on the BF%, but I've got a decent spare tire/love handles.

I'm also looking for low fat cooking suggestions, and hope to find some more activity in the recipe forum as most of what we (my wife and I) eat is not very low fat.

Anyways, see you around! :cool: