

New member
I am joining this site as some motivation I guess to keep to a regimen that will hopefully shape me up.

I am a little over 5' 7" and at about 145lbs. I preferably would like to be around 120 or anywhere that looks appealing. I have been to the gym quite often but I haven't been too serious with it. Overall I don't like going to the big chain gym that I am stuck to because my father doesn't want to go anywhere else. I am thinking about doing at home workouts because I feel like I can push myself harder there without people judging me. I currently have a jump rope, two hand held weights that have removable weights that can go pretty high, a treadmill(but I rather do outside running in the morning), and an open garage space to work out in.

After my vacation I am going to begin a schedule but I am not good at making them myself, which is why I am on here for others to help me out. I also need help creating a diet plan because right now I am just eating whatever.

I have a brother who is in to body building stuff but he doesn't want to take me to the smaller gym that I would rather go to.

That's all for now folks... Hopefully I find the advice I need on here to become the person I want to be!