

New member
I am Walter and I am 20 years old. I need some advice about weight loss. Okay, so here I go.
I weigh 79 kgs and I'm about 5 feet 7 inch in height.
I walk around a lot, that would be at least 2 hours daily or an average 20000-25000 footsteps daily. My target is 25000 footsteps daily, but that's not possible to achieve everyday. Also, i do strength training approximately 3 days a week and go for running about 2-3 days for 15-20 minutes in a week.
My diet is <2000 calories (that's when i remember i need to eat less) for about 3 days a week and say 2800-3000 for rest 4 days. I generally tried to avoid alcohol but i generally end up having it once a week. I try to take protein in good amount but i don't take any supplements.
I am in quite desperation to loose my weight. Like I need to loose approximately 4-5 kgs within next 30 days anyhow.
Any advice is welcome. like if i need to cut calories and by how much or be more active or anything else. Please help me out.