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New member
Hi, I'm new here and I'm really hoping to become a part of this forum. I really need all the help I can get. My weight has went up and down since I can remember. Over my 9th grade summer, I lost so much weight that I stayed thin in High School, I stayed thin until I had my first child back in 1991. Ever since then my struggle has been awful. I would lose then gain and back and forth all the time. So I went to my gyno yesterday, it's been two years, I knew I gained weight but when he told me i've put on 32 pounds in 2 years I wanted to cry!! He explained to me that I am VERY overweight and need to do something about it. I need to lose at least 100 lbs. I wanted to cry so bad but at the same time I think this is what I needed. Someone to actually tell me that I was overweight and make me really take a look at myself. I hope you won't mind me hanging out here because I'm gonna need all the support I can get.
Of course we don't mind. You're more than welcome to hang out, vent, whatever you need. Everyone is great here. We'll do our best to support you through the good and bad times. This forum is great! I've found a lot of useful information, as well as an enormous amount of support. Good luck on the weight loss journey!!!
Thanks, I really hope I meet some people who feel the way I do and we can help each other.
I know how it is to gain weight after having kids. I have had 2 kids. The first one I was able to lose the weight and then some. But this past one has wrecked me. He is 6 months old now. But I hope you all the best, your taking a step in the right direction!!!
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