New member
Hi, I'm new here and I'm really hoping to become a part of this forum. I really need all the help I can get. My weight has went up and down since I can remember. Over my 9th grade summer, I lost so much weight that I stayed thin in High School, I stayed thin until I had my first child back in 1991. Ever since then my struggle has been awful. I would lose then gain and back and forth all the time. So I went to my gyno yesterday, it's been two years, I knew I gained weight but when he told me i've put on 32 pounds in 2 years I wanted to cry!! He explained to me that I am VERY overweight and need to do something about it. I need to lose at least 100 lbs. I wanted to cry so bad but at the same time I think this is what I needed. Someone to actually tell me that I was overweight and make me really take a look at myself. I hope you won't mind me hanging out here because I'm gonna need all the support I can get.