
Hi! I am from Thailand my name is May!! I am 13 years old and studied in an international school. My problem is before when I was about 11-12 years old I weight about 59 kg and 155 cm so i decided to go for a diet program than I lost 8 kg but my height seem to be stopped. Then now I drink more milk and eat an overloaded of food( which includue healthy and unhealthy). I became taller ,now I am 157 but my problem is weight more about 58-59 kg. Can any body help me? I can't stop eating becaue I was afraid that I will be thin and stop growing taller. Thank u for your help!! :D
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I can assure you, you will not stop growing taller because you aren't eating enough. If you eat too much, you will grow in places you don't want to (ie around your waist).

Growth spurts are common in children and young adults. I'd assume you just hit one, and probably aren't done yet. You'll stop growing taller between 16-18
Milk will help indirectly. In order to grow, you're bones must grow longer. The calcium in the milk supplies your bones extra calcium to grow stronger, but won't make you grow any faster (if it does, its very minimal).

The extra calories will without a doubt make you gain excess weight if you drink too much.