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New member
Hello folks,

I'm a complete newbie to this type of thing, but I've decided that it's time to take the leap. My weight gain has gotten to the point whereby I no longer have an ounce of confidence in my body and I have 0 interest in seeing any of my friends. I'm the heaviest I've ever been at 103KG and I feel disgusting.

I'm 6'2 (thankfully, or I would look like a bowling ball with legs) and 22 years old.

I would love to get in touch with anyone on a similar boat, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Chat soon!
Welcome to the forum :)
Hi, Sean & welcome to the forum :)
What do you think your ideal weight would be & what changes do you plan on making to your "diet"?
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

So, I would like to cut down to 80KG and to then lean bulk from there. I'm actually quite knowledgable when it comes to nutrition and exercise but I'm a serial binge eater. I go through phases of losing tonnes of weight, but then end up piling it all back on again.

I realise that this is putting a huge strain on my body and negatively affecting my mental health.

I hope to use this thread to hold myself accountable.

Thanks for reaching out!
There are quite a few members who have the same problem with binge eating, it may be a good idea to take a look at the binge eating thread.
Hey Seán and another welcome to the forum :)
I'm still working on my binge problems even though I've reached a healthy weight now. It doesn't happen as often or as awfully anymore but it's still a struggle. But one which is a lot more comfortable to deal with at this weight than when I was heavier.
Best of luck!
Thank you for the support and advice, it's much appreciated!

So, upon weighing myself this morning on an empty stomach, my current weight is 100KG.

I still feel horrid after my mega-binge yesterday and have decided that I'm going to fast until tomorrow to give my body the chance to recover. I'm actually not hungry at all (probably because I ate roughly 4000 calories, if not more) and I'm drinking plenty of water and green tea to keep myself hydrated.

I will report back tomorrow and let you know how I got on.

See you then!
If you can fast for a day without triggering another binge that's fine - just be careful you don't subconsciously give yourself permission next time you feel the urge to binge because you "know" you can mske up for it next day. I hope you feel better!
Hello there!

So today is Wednesday and everything has been going well since I began this journey. I weighed in at 99KG this morning so I presume that I've finally rid myself of all of that water weight from my weekend of binging.

I successfully fasted throughout Monday. Yesterday, I made one protein pancake for breakfast and also had two slices of my mum's homemade Irish bread. It was delicious but quite carby, so I decided to go for a 10K walk. I wasn't feeling very hungry then yesterday evening so all I had was a turkey and salad sandwich. My calories would have been roughly around the 1000 mark I would imagine.

I'm about to do a weights session now and then I will have breakfast afterwards.

Goodbye for now!

So yesterday was another good day. I woke up this morning and my scale is saying that I now weigh 98KG, which seems incorrect so I might buy a new one later. Surely I couldn't have been holding 5KG in water weight?

For breakfast, I had a breaded chicken breast from my local butcher. (250 calories)
For lunch, I had a bowl of bran flakes (40g) with unsweetened almond milk (150ml). (200 calories)
For dinner, I made a chicken korma served with rice. (600 calories)

Again, my calories were very low for the day, but I'm at a point now where I want to lose weight rapidly, to begin with, and then I'll slow things down when I'm around the 89KG mark.

I've been drinking plenty of water and green tea.

My step count for the day was 8K and I also did some weight training.

That's all for now, hope you're having a great day!
Water weight is tricky, yes it is possible to hold 5kg of water weight and more, The amount of water you hold onto can be effected by a range of factors, including water intake, salt, carb intake, exercise etc.

Thanks for your input! Any advice for increasing my bench? Would you aim for more weight/less reps or to stick around the 4x8 mark?
8 reps is good for a base level of training, but for strength gains you would normally be looking at a lower rep range. However, techniques is usually the first place to look for improving bench. Spending time each week using a light weight to develop explosive power is also important for developing bar speed and being able to explode the bar off the chest after the pause. In contrast most people see bench as a simple lift, it actually has a fair number of technical aspects to it.
A little update, I've decided to continue on my 1,000 calories/day diet for the foreseeable. I will be starting a new job in a big firm in a few weeks and I want to be looking well, so I'm fully committed. My goal is to go from 98KG-90KG in 4 weeks. If I lose more, fantastic!

Today I ate:

All bran cereal with unsweetened almond milk. (158 calories)
3 turkey rashers & 2 eggs. (143 + 187)
Chicken korma with brown rice (311+50+215)

Daily calories: 964
Protein: 107g
Carbs: 71g
Fat: 24g

How realistic do you think my goals are if I'm consistent and succeed with the diet?
If you can burn 3000 calories a day every day for four weeks straight you can lose 8 kg eating 1000 kcal a day. Can´t say I´d recommend it (it´s going to be hard to keep up the motivation for both exercise and a strict diet simultaneously and you´ll likely lose quite a bit of muscle mass) but it´s your body and it´s mathematically possible. I´m not a doctor though and it´s generally recommended to ask your GP before starting any kind of intense diet/exercise regime.
If you can burn 3000 calories a day every day for four weeks straight you can lose 8 kg eating 1000 kcal a day. Can´t say I´d recommend it (it´s going to be hard to keep up the motivation for both exercise and a strict diet simultaneously and you´ll likely lose quite a bit of muscle mass) but it´s your body and it´s mathematically possible. I´m not a doctor though and it´s generally recommended to ask your GP before starting any kind of intense diet/exercise regime.

I train with weights daily so hopefully, if I keep my protein intake high, any muscle lost will be minimal. This is more of an experiment than anything really! If I decide in a week or two that I no longer want to continue, no biggie! In the meantime, I can work on my self-discipline and get out of my current physical rut.
Hello again!

Weighed in this morning at 97KG! Delighted with the progress so far, even though I'm fully aware that most (if not all) of it has been water weight. When I weighed in at 103KG on Sunday, I felt very overwhelmed. It was so much heavier than I was used to and I knew that it would take quite some time to get back to my old self. Despite the fact that the change in my weight on the scale is probably 95% due to a change in water retention, my new weight of 97KG seems far less daunting.

I'm still hoping to get down to the 90KG mark by this day 4 weeks, however, I will be happy with any amount of progress made. The only reason why I'm hoping to lose so much weight is that my body fat percentage is circa 25-30%.

Overall, I'm very happy with how this week has gone thus far.

I hope I'm not boring you all too much!
Having 6 kg of water weight to lose must've been so unpleasant! I can understand that your feeling a lot better now. Besides: as long as you don't go back to doing whatever it is caused you retain so much water in the first place it's just as gone as if it had been fat.
Hello again!

Apologies for not checking in the last few days, I had a great weekend.

I stuck to the 1,000 calorie diet on Friday! On Saturday, because the Covid restrictions were gradually lifted, my family and I went for food and a few beers on Saturday. We had a great day but I felt very full Saturday night, so I decided to fast all day yesterday until this morning.

I weighed myself this morning and I'm still at the 97KG mark, so it's back to the diet today.

I have another family party this Saturday, so I plan to have a perfect diet until then.

I went for my daily run yesterday and I'm just about to do a weights session.

Overall, all is going well!

Will report back tomorrow.
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