Hello there.


New member
Hi there. So I'm pretty happy in my skin, but I'm greedy and recently I've piled on a few new relationship pounds, picking up bad habits from my boyfriend and bringing my own to the mix.

Then earlier this month I had a bit of wake-up with bridesmaid dress incident, its not a complete disaster and I had 3 weeks to turn things around, but with a little less than a week left its not looking good. But to be honest I was already trying to diet before I tried the dress on, so whatever I can do to stop the material pulling over my thighs, bum and boobs, I'll give it a go (its not the right style for me). I can probably only lose water weight right now, but I'll try.

Then after this weekend I'm on the sensible, heathy eating wagon, cutting down on the booze (I suppose) and maybe going cheese free a few nights a week (I'm a veggie, its my favourite thing) and getting back into running and cycling.

Sounds alright, right? Well until then I'm guzzling the water and going low carb, not the best laid plan but its worth a shot for a couple of days, then sensible street all the way.

Hopefully joining this forum will keep me a little accountable and hold me to my goals :)
Welcome to the forum :)