Hello peeps


New member
Hello people! As you can see, im brand new here. :D
I joined this forum for the same reason all of you did i suppose..To help me lose weight...Hope it will help me a bit.

I'm 21 years old now, and im not obese, i know that, but it really is my dream to be slim and beautiful..Im "dieting" since i was 11 years old. Before that age, i was a really skinny pretty girl! When i came into puberty, i started putting on weight and becoming a fatty!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Anyways, Ill try to update this here diary often..Till then, cheers to y'all !! :)
Welcome To The Forum I Am Sure You Will Find The Support You Want Here!
I know how you feel, I've never been obese but ive always been heavier than my friends. Good luck with your diet, we both want to lose about the same and we're both newbies lol!!
Welocme to the forum!!! You'll loose the weight and feel great.. Don't give up and keep positive. have a great day and drink your WATER :D

Thank you all so far !:)
Yeah, I am drinking a lot of water now. My favourite drinks are all kinds of tea ( chinese, japanese, english..you name it!), and diet pop (coke light lemon).

I am a vegetarian, I am not eating fatty meats and fish anyway so i dont have to worry about that (been a veg for about 3 years now). But you know, the meat replacers (for protein) can be somewhat fatty, but i read the label everytime and its always below 250 cals a portion, and i try to leave a chunk on my plate and finish it off the next day..so that saves me some more cals.
The rest of the supper usually contains boiled potatoes and veggies. I just love all vegetables, cooked and naked (without sauce nowadays..Thays allright though, i was never a big fan of sauces.)

Humm..Thats it for now. More info on me later!
you're story sounds a lot like mine, I was never the heaviest person but not far off it. I turned 21 in December last year so we're on ages.:)

The diary really helps me to stay focused so I'm sure starting one will help you too!:)
Thanks Crunchi!
Today started off well. I had my usual breakfast of one slice of bread with some marmalade. I had the same for lunch. It's about 4 pm now, I just ate an apple.
I just love to make me a pot of hot Japanese tea ! I drink a lot of it, so it gives me a full feeling. Sometimes i add some slices of flavoured sea weed ( weird, I know, but I think its very tastly, and the best part, it contains practically no cals!).
Wonder what mum will be preparing for supper..
Today started off good. I had my usual breakfast of 1 slice of bread with marmalade. I just had an apple.
Yesterdays supper was delicious, vegetarian spaghettie! I love it...I had a small portion and could control myself before taking some more..good.
I lost over 2 pounds so far.
Hey your doing great!

I am just like you, not obese, actually people find it hard to believe that I need to diet...but I am overweight and was once very skinny (until I was about 23)

I am doing this for me, and it sounds like you are doing it for yourself, so you go girl!;)
Great job so far. :) Do you eat lentils or quinoa? Both may be god choices for you. High in protein, and low glycemic carbs with plenty of fiber. And very little fat.

Today started off fine.
I had my usual breakfast : 1 slice of bread with marmalade and orange juice.
Lunch: soup with lentils (my mum made it, its delicious and 100% vegggie) and a slice of bread, one half with the soup and the other half with some marmalade. As you have noticed probably, I love marmalade!! Its the best thing in the world to eat with your bread when youre a vegetarian(We dont have vegetarian cheese in the house..:-( Im going to ask my mum to buy me some...Have anyone tried vegetarian cheese btw?) Contains a lot of sugar, but usually you can eat much of it so thats quite allright on the cals i find.
Oh yeah..Next weighting...Tomorrow? I dont know yet.
Thanks jelly. I weigted myself this morning, and my weight hadnt changed..That good or bad..?:confused: Guess its kinda normal, Im not worrying.

I'm kinda hungry right now..:( Still more than an hour till dinner...:(
everythings well

Everything is goind well, Im feeling thinner already LOL J/K..
My mum bought me some soy milk for me to drink..Its a delicious, cow-friendly, supervegan superpotion, but so high in cals...:mad: :( Goddamned.
My mum thinks ill get malnourished, and im spoiling my health by drinking too many diet coke..I dont even drink that much of that stuff, she must be dreaming!
Ill just have some of the soy milk with my bread in the morning, half a glass should do fine.That will be about 20 cals or so..No big deal.

Favourite snack : NORI BITES (Japanese rice crackers with seaweed)
I love these!!! 100% fat free and you cant eat more than 5 at a time, what a treat!
Looking good!!!!! keep making those better choices.. You'll see a difference real soon. Have a WONDERFUL Weekend and drink that WATER;)
Been ages!

Oh my, its been freakin' ages since my last visit&post on the forum! I have been so busy with school and the exams, I didnt have the time to be surfing around really. I really want to keep myself updated about everybody here and keep everybody updated about me from now on:)

My weight didnt suffer under the stress or urge to eat during the exams, at least I dont think so. I did have a few nasty binge attacks..:( But I'm back on track now last couple of weeks, and I dont think those binges did a great deal of damage.
I stopped weighing myself ages ago too! I simple dont dare to get on the scales, Allthough I feel that my belt and pants didnt get any smaller..But who knows?
I plan on weighing myself next monday..:eek:

The rest of my family will be off to France this sunday, for about 3 weeks.
I'll be all by myself then, so I can stick to a diet plan and eat whatever I like and whenever I like. My mum stocked a lot of fat-free soy milk, rice cakes and quorn and veggie burgers for me to eat.
Todays foods

Breakfast: 1 sandwich with champignons à la grêque*
Lunch: (13:00) leftover homemade veggie pizza with extra pineapple
Supper idem to lunch

* Mushrooms with cooked onion rings and tomato sauce. I love it! I dont think it's high in cals, but i only eat a small amound of it too anyways.

The veggie pizza's topping: mushrooms, onions, garlic, quorn, tomato sauce, herbs, pepper, salt.
The crust is fatty dough i think. My mums made it.