Hello, New here


New member
hello, I was looking for a weight loss forum to help keep me on track.

I am almost 56 years old (birthday Oct 1st), female with 3 adult children. I am 172cm tall and weigh 75.3kg. This gives me a BMI of 25.5. My family and I are vegan.

My family are runners, and in my youth I ran multi day mountain races. I stopped when I had the kids, and about 10 years ago I had an accident that damaged my back. It was thought I would never walk without a stick/limp again. I got depressed and ate lots and lots of food (Oreos are vegan.....so are chips.....and crisps......and dark chocolate......) and my weight went up to 110kg.

I decided that enough was enough and lost the weight to the point I am at today. I have maintained for about 3 years. I also worked hard on strengthening my core and my leg and I no longer limp.

As I said, I am a former runner and my husband and 2 of my adult children are ultra trail runners. I spend my life making high calorie density food to keep the weight on them. Then I join them in eating it....

So today I have set a goal. I wish to be 65kg, which is a BMI of 22. I also wish to become an ultra runner....
This will take work and commitment but I want to do it. I need to build up my strength and my endurance, but this can be done, and my family are my greatest cheerleaders.
I eat when stressed, and I cook for a healthy skinny family (of vegans) I also bake for them and make ‘trail balls’ made of various dried fruits, coconut oil etc, for them to eat on the trail. I have to find a way of fueling myself that still allows me to lose weight, and yet not run out of energy in the wrong place (like up a mountain). I also need to keep out of their food!

So that is all about me. I hope there are other runners here.

Hi, Merry & welcome to the forum. I hope there are some long-distance runners here too as I am not one of them, I'm afraid. Well done on getting back down to 75.3 kg. That is an awesome effort. I wish you all the best & hope you achieve your goals.
Hello and welcome Merry, I wish for the success in achieving your target weight. Here in this forum, you will get a lot of useful information.
Hi Everybody. I am Roti. I love working my abs. I also would love to gain muscle mass naturally. It's extremely hard for me to do.