Hello need help!


New member
Hello i am a 16 year old boy who's obese and im trying to lose weight (actually a lot)!
My current Height: 5'11 feet and my weight is: 254 pounds :/
I've tried loosing weight several times but i havent managed to lose it...
Could you help me out a little i really want to lose weight to feel good in my body..

P.S: My english isn't my native language so maybe i have made some grammatic errors.
Welcome to the forum Karzel, please tell us about your current diet and exercise so we can make suggestions as to where you need to make changes to achieve your goals
try to portion out your food. try containers so you don't over eat. don't eat to the point that you feel full. eat only till your not hungry

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A balanced diet, regular workout and proper sleep will solve your problem. Another thing, you must drink lots of water if you want to loose weight fast.