Hello, my name is Gillian

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Hello everyone, I am a 21 year old Belgian student, I'm 1m87 and 130 kg.
Now i've been overweight my whole life, and tried everything to lose weight. I just can't keep it up, i always lack motivation to sport or to diet. It's impossible to lose weight! Never see progress, I feel bad in my body, sweat alot! Have no self confidence and feel bad in my clothes and stuff.. Can't walk for 1 km or i'm tired.. What do I have to do to be happy and lose weight? I don't know anymore.. It ruins my life! Thx for reading
You have to start by fixing your diet. When you do that first, you gain more energy and when you have more energy you can start exercising. Take a look at Mark's Daily Apple (just google it), there you will find information about primal lifestyle that will help you lose weight easily. You can do a 30 day challenge where you follow this diet for just a month. You have nothing to lose (but weight), give it a go and see how it works for you. You can start exercising by walking just 15 - 20 minutes a day. Every day. Make it your goal and stick to it. You'll feel so much better.
Hi Gillian, it sounds like you're in a pretty tough place. The important thing to remember is there are lots of people who are in the same place you are or have been. The good news is, there are steps you can take to help you through this process. But it is important to understand what it is that is holding you back from moving forwards. What is causing your lack of motivation? Are you fearful of trying things that won't work or is it you're not sure where to begin?

The great news so far though is that you've asked for support, which means you do have the motivation to make changes. We just need to work to help increase your motivation by identifying your barriers and then we can work on breaking these barriers down and getting you started on making positive changes.
Thank you everyone for the reply's! I have tried everything, from dieting to concidering an operation. I've been to 5 gyms, now I just don't know where to start.
Gillian, start by beginning a thread in the diary section of the forum, post a bit about yourself, then each day post your food and exercise, you will get a lot of support and ideas as to where you can make changes to achieve the progress you want.
Hi & Welcome Gillian,
I can attest the keeping a diary as a means to helping oneself find a place in which to begin.

I hear you big time on the self loathing and depressing state of being in such a debilitating body. I also understand the misery in continuous failed attempts. Try not to focus on the terms "sport" & "Diet" - in fact, change your approach completely. You already know what does not work and what makes you unhappy. Time to look for new paths and explore new options. That is what a diary/journal can afford you.

I'm not going to tell you to be positive. That comes much later. But you do need to find something that you can lean on and throw away the old crutches that obviously are not working for you.

I agree with one of the above statement regarding food. FOOD is the most important aspect to the healing when in such a debilitating state.

If you do a diary or start a journal, ask yourself questions and try and answer them. Each of us has the power within. Whilst support may be sought in others, nothing is more powerful than what we do for ourselves. This is one of the most important aspect that can be found in journaling. Al to often we tend to feed into anther's story whilst neglecting to be honest without ourselves.

I think I have said enough. FOOD - Keep it simple. When the body is sick, it naturally gives signals to stop eating so it can heal itself. Start by cutting out the garbage that is designed to keep you coming back for more.

I started when I could not walk up a flight of 10 stairs to do my laundry.

Best of luck.
Gillian, You started in a good place by joining this forum. There appears to be a ton of help and motivation. Remember this......losing weight is every bit as much mental as it is physical. WHen times get tough you need to find a way to push through. One technique that I have used is to tell yourself that you will commit to this program for 100 days. I don't care if it is weight watchers, Jenny Craig or eating pine cones from the North Pole just commit to being 100% on the progra, for 100 days......donit chase the next shiny "thing"....oh Mary at work has been on the bla bla diets and it seems to work for her...so maybe I will go try that. Factually, all of the big name diets work and they would have worked for YOU.....just stay with it. Add in some walking 3-5 days a week and you will be AMAZED how much better you will feel......just 100 short days....you can do it.......Kris :)
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