Hello, I'm wanting to become a Marine Officer.

Hello, my name is Clay and I'm a 15 year-old teen. I am wanting to become a Marine Officer. I have a more near-sighted goal as well. In 3 months school starts and i wish to get in shape for basketball and soccer. I don't have any idea on how to gain muscle and hopefully a six pack(not of beer). I have been trying to do squats and for some reason I keep falling backwards, I spread my feet shoulder width, I then use my buttocks and deep down, and I usually lose balance? I was wondering if you could help me get in shape quick, I need intensity. I have a pull-up-bar and perfect pushupsand I can do(so far - 8 pull-ups, and 20 perfect pushups). I was wondering if you can help me put together a Marine-style workout for an intense 3-month workout. I do know how to run, but nothing really else. I am a tall, skinny and totally nerdy looking guy, I need to get in shape, quick. Please, any help will help, Sir, I admire you very much, please help me out. God Bless!