Hello.I'm new here

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New member
I just signed up,we all have alot in common,to lose weight and to be healthy.I have over 100 pounds to lose.I am an expert on how to, but cant seem to stick with anything long enough for anything to work.I am planning on counting food groups,or exchanges from weightwatchers in 1996-97.It would be nice if someone else was doing the same plan.But no matter how we do it ,we all want to end up at the same place,healthy and thinner. :p
Welcome to our forum!! I think you'll really like like it here! We are all very supportive of one another. Why don't you check out the diary section of the forum :)
Welcome! :D I just joined yesterday, and people are so nice here! I'm sure you can do this, especially with this support system! :)
Hello 2muchofme! I have about a 100 pounds that I need to lose! It's gonna be a LONG, difficult journey but the end results will be GREAT!
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