Hello, I'm looking for advice


New member
So hello, my name is Andrej and I started exercising 9months ago. And I have to admit I cheat a lot. One video motivated me so hard. I couldn't do one push up, after few weeks of light trainings I started to do push ups. Than here I came to 20 push ups and 1 muscle up. But problem is in 9months I lost only 9kilos. And to be honest with you I did not eat well. There forth I ate some junk food and drank soda. But at first when I saw biggest changes I was only eating protein and mostly drink water and green tea. But 9month is kinda alot of time so Im kinda starting to lose my motivation. I need some help. How can I deal with food problem, In my house alot of stuff I dont like. I just cant stand certain food(mostly cooked one) :(.
I do exercise alot. I do chin ups even tho Im fat. I have strenght but fat wont go down, my biceps grew alot.
I hope I was clear about my problem and thanks for reading.
Kind regards
9 kilos in 9 months is fine. Sure, it is not fast, but it is significant progress! don't sell yourself short, you were doing something well during the last months!

don't ask yourself to be perfect all the time! try your best, and if you can't give it, don't worry and learn from those experiences as well. find a higher purpose to do this, asking "why do I want to achieve this?". Choose something that is very clear, very visualizable.

To me, I want to look good for dating. I don't procrastinate the dates, I just go to them, and every date I want to look better. Improving my looks will surely improve my chances in dating, but who knows, I may find a good match soon. My second motivation is my sport. I do competitions about every month, so that I can measure my progress. Having all these regular deadlines gives me a sense of urgency to take action, to improve my eating and exercising habits.

Anyways, I just want to share with you that I really respect you. I don't do chin ups, even though I am not really fat (though you inspire me to try! :) ). Great that you are working on your goals, don't stop doing that, keep trying new things and you will get to where you want to go!

Wow, that was inspiring and yes I am thinking same as you do. But I have something to work on, and that is my will power. I have alot of it but thing is, before I go to sleep I think about it all and tomorrow I just forget about my toughts xD. same problem might be I do almost same group of muscle training everyday. SO Im not making progress because I am too fatigued( but I dont feel so) and yes chin ups are just easy now even tho I see myself "fat".
HI Andrej! Welcome to the forum! I hope you find the support you are looking for and let me know if you have any questions!
Hey Andrej,

There are lot of nutritional shake products out there. Some are better than others that's for sure. If you don't like eating cooked food shakes are a great way to get the proper nutrition you need plus all the protein you need. I personally have a hard time eating properly I would miss breakfast and then not prepare for lunch and I would eat crap. For my lifestyle just knowing I am having a shake for breakfast then for lunch and snacks through out the day makes planning my meals so much easier and I am having so much success. Given the fact you have lost 9.9 kilos so far you are right there and that's awesome!

Shawn thanks for reply,
Here where I live shakes are not available, I might make them myself but I don't know how and what to put it in. How I lost weight? Idk I just did train but I ate a lot of crap food. Now From yestrday I am trying to stay belove 1500 calories and burn more.
Good morning Andrej,

That is great that you are controlling your calorie intact in the end you will get your desired effect if you are working out and keeping your calories under 1500 per day. Make sure you are eating protein at least twice a day. Not sure where you live but I know the shakes I am doing are available by delivery in most countries. Keep up the great work and keep me posted! You seem the be on the right track! You will get there! I am not sure if you are someone who gets inspired by quotes but here is one I really love it is by Aristotle. "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act but a habit" I love this one because the beginning of that quote "we are what we repeatedly do" rains true in our life. If you think about your failures you will see it is because we follow the same patterns and thus we experience the same results, have the courage to try something different even if it is harder because in the end success is what we are after!

Be well

I totally understand your struggle. I've yo yo in the past with weight... And I'm about to give you some simple advice that I have given to 100's of people. "You cannot out train a poor diet"

Here's my diet (eating advice) - this needs to be the No1 focus and exercise comes after.

Eat 3 meals a day and 1 snack

*Each meal to consist of a protein source (not powder)
*Each meal to consist off greens (vegetables)
*Each meal to consists of good fats

Snack on 50g of nuts a day

Drink 3 litres of water a day

Once a week have a TREAT MEAL of whatever you want.
Both of you, thanks a lot. Yes you inspired me and gave me some awesome advice. I respect that
I will for sure change my diet plan as Paul suggested, Shawn I do get inspired by quotes and that was good one :)
Have a nice day