Hello from South Dakota


New member
Hello all. I am a 53 year old man and I weigh 305 pounds. I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life and have suffered from health problems because of it. Four weeks ago I withdrew all sweeteners, grain flours and oils from my daily food intake. I did this 100% which I found was not an easy task and quite a radical switch from what I was used too. I had myself all hyped up that it would be terrible and I would go crazy with cravings but decided that I had the will power to do this for a week. After the week was up a most astonishingly thing happened, it seemed as if something had changed in my brain, it really was quite remarkable. I not only didn't have any cravings but I was disinterested in food altogether. Not only did I not feel hungry but I always felt full. My blood pressure went down , My heart palpitations stopped. I have kept up with this now for 4 weeks and in that time my weight has gone from 332 pounds down to 305 pounds. I continue to eat even being disinterested in food , I never miss a meal. there are so many good things happening to my body that I can't list them all. Four weeks ago I could not walk out to the garage without breathing hard and now I go for 40 minute walks with minimal effort.
Anyway I joined this forum to search for others who have had an experience of this type , If so please share with me as I would really like to understand just what is happening here. Thank you.
Congratulations on your progress so far :)