Hello From Canada


New member
Hey all...

I have been lurking for some time and have decided it was about time for me to sign up to the forum.

A little history for you. I am not currently overweight nor have I ever really been. Fitness has always been a way of life for me, as I was a amateur boxer and weightlifter since preteens, but fitness was not always part of my fiance's lifestyle.

A small while ago she turned to me in search of help to change her life and get back in shape. I have successfully trained many amateur and professional athletes with great success and a few friends along the way.

With my girlfriend being the one I am helping it has much more meaning than ever before so I have searching for as much info as possible. As stated I have studied fitness my entire life, but I feel we can all learn from someone else and we should do our best to do just that.

I stumbled upon this site and liked what I saw so here I am. My girlfriend doesn't really "like the net" but I am here and hopefully that is okay with all of you.

I know quite a bit about weight training, cardio etc. and am learning a lot about dieting etc as well. If there is anything I can do to return the favor and help out I would be glad to offer advice and an opinion.

So hello to all and the beginning of what I think will be a successful journey for my fiancee and myself. I wish the same to all of you.


Welcome To The Forum And I Am Glad You Joined Because We Love Helping And Getting Help And Support!