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New member
Hello everyone!

My name is Rachel, and well, lol I'm new here. Basically, I was checking out the Fitness website, thinking, wow, I'd LOVE to get back into shape, when I saw this forum. So here I am :) . I am 19 years old, height is 5' 4", and I weigh 175 lbs. Watching all the gorgeous 90 lb gals on TV usually makes me depressed enough to reach for the bag of hershey kisses lol.
***blushing*** I am struggling to get onto a schedule and stay there, I have a problem with rewarding myself for every lb I lose heehee, like a small piece of chocolate (my downfall), and from there it just snowballs, and I wonder "How much did I lose?!" Anyways, I need to get more active. I am er, well, large chested (naturally) and truthfully feel so embarassed to wear t-shirts or tighter clothing. Yep, I'ma shy girl :p .
My family tends to overeat during meals, and usually we break out a bag of chips or large bar of chocolate after dinner (EVERY NIGHT LOL). I have cut down on my meal portions, and practically cut out deserts, and now, whenever we sit down to dinner, as I only scoop 1/3 of what I used to eat onto my plate, my family gets really pushy, insisting I eat more....so its pretty frustrating, and I've changed to eating alone lol. I explained to them that you don't wave a cigarette in front of a person who is trying to quit, and that it's the same thing with my weight. So, lol it worked! I find a yummy fruit parfait after a light salad tastes better than any other chocolatey desert we buy.

I walk my dog (a Fox Terrier) twice a day for 1/2 hour walks, I have now taken to carrying a water bottle around as if it's a part of me, and playing some upbeat music I do stretches, situps, pushups and slight weight lifting for fifteen minutes each night before bed. ***sigh*** I'm trying to keep busy during the day, because I have the tendency to wanna chew on something whenever I'm bored or stressed. I make and eat at least two salads a day instead of those greasy Lays Chips in the cupboard, along with trying to cook up healthy chicken meals. Wheeww! O.k., so I'm so glad to have found this forum, lol looking back at what I've written I sound like a wacko. :D I'd love to lose weight and keep it off. It feels great to work out and walk, actually I've become kinda addicted to it, and whenever I'm stressed I try to get out instead of clawing at the fridge. I wanna go on a shopping spree and be able to see my size in clothes all over the place, not to mention how great it feels to be lighter. :) I really look forward to getting to know everyone here, and any tips you could hand me would be awesome! I'm sorry for babbling, lol I really never ever discuss this with anyone (would they understand??) so its freeing to chat with others who're going through the same thing. So yep, thats about it haha, hope I'm not boring everyone outta their skulls. :D Talk with ya later!
Welcome Rachel. I don't want to see you at 90 lbs, but I wish for you the low to mid 100's. Best of luck!
***laughing out loud*** No way, 90 lbs is pretty light, I'm thinking 140 for now. Is that too big a goal for now?? Hmm...
Thank you for the encouragement! :)
hi and welcome!!

I looked at the bmi chart and it said for your height a healthy weight is 130 pds.

good luck hun and let me know if you need any help!

fatass...aren't you a guy?? men loose weight alot faster than women, its a prooven fact,so keep that in mind
Thank you so much Newbride! I've been wondering what the right weight for my height is. I'm honestly afraid of losing weight super fast and having baggy skin....is that a chance for my weight?? :confused: I'm going to try building up muscle at the same time of losing weight, so that if the skin thing happens hopefully the muscles will help shrink it down. LOL, am I thinking about it too much?! Or is it something to be worried about at my weight?? I'm definitely looking forward to going shopping for smaller sizes and lookin' good!! :) Thank you for your encouragement!! It's great to be here! :D I know I'm going to have days when I'm down, so I'm glad to find other people who understand. Thanks! And ImaFatAss, great job! Thats awesome losing 25lbs!!! Keep it up! :D
NO no, do'nt even worry about sagging skin at your young age and weight. I know 175 can be big for certain people, but in the grand scheme of things, its really not "that big" You know??? SO yea, just don't worry over it hun, you'll do great!
Lol, thank you Newbride, I was really thinking about it, and it worried me. I feel great just from drinking more water and exercising daily. My dog is a lot happier now too from all of the walks :D . I've tried losing weight before, and I guess I just didn't want it enough, or I loved my deserts too much. I finally decided that I'm going to change my life, and sticking to it, I feel so good!!
Um...I have a question? I held my mouse pointer over the tiny green square under my username, and it says "Blackbird is on a distinguished road". Just curious as to what this is/means? lol Thanks ahead :) Sorry to get off topic here, but how do I get out of the chat section? Lol, I haven't been in there for a while and it still says I'm in the chat room??
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