Hello, I hope this website hepls you see there is a brighter side to everything, even if we cant see it cause our belly's are in the way
IT's going to take time. You need to be ready to change your LIFESTYLE!
We all have our daily Journals or Diaries, where we post what we're eating and what we are doing for exercise, and we read each others and give each other pointers on what to change or not to change anything... It's like a big buddy system and it helps alot! If we fall there will be someone there, in our shoes, to pick us up.
And you'll find a thread for some good recipes, or exercises and stuff like that.
I hope you find it welcoming here and hope it helps you as it did so many of us. Some people lose weight faster, mostly cause they stay on their "change" (I dont like to call it diet). I am a bit slower than the rest cause I've had a few slips. But I know that when I am ready I will do what I need to do to get it done.
Hope to see you around. You might wanna change your name or something, I would much rather call you something else than Whalebelly!