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New member
My name is Brittany and I'm 15 (16 in Oct.). I live in Maryland and I'm really looking forward 2 gaining new info on weightloss. I've always been curvy, and I like myself that way, but I want to tone my body a little. I hope being a member of this forum will be a fun and worthwhile experience. Bless us all.

Welcome Brittany! That's good that you are getting started on this at an early age, you will never have to worry about your weight getting out of hand. If you want to tone, you should do weight-lifting or resistence exercises. If you don't have a gym membership, you can do squats, lunges, dips for your lower body, various sit ups and crunches for your abs, and do pushups and tricep dips for your arms. That should tone you up some and also boost your metabolism so you can eat more! Good luck!
Hey Brittany =) nsyq has some great advice... and there is a ton of advice on the site in the weightloss exercises section... I think that it is also good to get started at your age and build some good habits - but you also want to be careful not to overdo it and wear out your body before you get too old =)

p.s. curves are awesome =) you have a great attitude about your body!
Hi Brittany! I'm also a teen and it's great to see you here!

nysq has some awesome advice, and, like amomono said, this website is a treasure horde of great advice.

Good luck!
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