Hello everyone

Been read a few of the post and decided to join.

I am trying to get in shape, basically tone my body, at 35 these things become a concern. :eek:

Basically what I have started doing the last two weeks is Strength training M/W/F and Cardio (spinning for 40 min) on tue and thurs.

Basically my diet is as follows on a normal day...

Morning: coffee (cream and sugar) 2 cups...that is it....Yes I know Bad mellow man!:(

Lunch: I eat a grilled chicken salad with diet soda.

Dinner: what ever I can scrap up at the house, usually Steak, and living in GA, a ton of Barbaque Ribs/pork around here.

I drink Water all day long, I am constantly thirsty.

My goal is to get a nice set of Abs and a decent body out of this body I currently have.

I know My diet is the pits and it will need revamping, I am an extremely picky eater and I HATE fish.

So what can I do?? any advice? and how do I stay ont he fitness wagon when it is so easy to fall off witht he world of fatherhood?

Thanks in advance.

Welcome. :)

Your right about the diet. It really sucks.

You need to start off by consuming lean protein/clean carbs/healthy fats in every meal and eat every 2.5 hours. The training looks ok but I don't know what kind of weight training you do on M/W/F so it's hard to tell. I'm assuming full body workouts?

The best thing to do is buy those zip-lock plastic containers and pre-plan your meals for at least 3 days. I cook on Sunday for Mon-Wed, and on Wednesday I cook for Thur-Sat.

been looking over the recipes in the "recipe" board....getting some ideas, but need to start bringing lunch, I plan on switching to Oatmeal in the Morning, and slowly getting off the coffee craze.

You can stay with a cup a day, coffee provides you with some antioxidants. Start eating every 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours using smaller portions. Its tough to get used to, but once you do, you wont be able to go without eating.