Hello Everyone on Weight-Loss Fitness! Say HI to me!


New member
Hi Everyone!

I'm Kathy! And, just today I've joined - all shiny and new.

My weight loss journey starts today, for what I feel like the hundredth time but I am hoping this time is different .. is has to be really!

I am currently 15stone and 8lbs at 5ft 5/6inches at 23 - I have pretty bad asthma, my fitness is terrible and I have a massive MASSIVE sweet tooth, I comfort eat and I just adore food, I don't do any regular exercise really (the odd dog walk!) - so, that's where I am right now! Might as well be 100% honest here.

I hope to drop to around 11/10stone, I am not sure HOW I plan to do this yet, but today - DAY 1 - I have my fitbit band strapped to my wrist, fridge stocked healthy (although some uneaten chocolate biscuit's are looming in my desk drawer! Should I throw them out!?) I have admitted to my ever loving husband that I am overweight (that took me some balls, as I was in denial!) and well, I am trying - I feel like that's more than yesterday - any progress is progress!

Please say HI, it would be great to just know other people are out there!

Thank you,

Kathy :)
Welcome to the forum,

a good start would be to read the sticky posts scattered around the forum and then start a thread in the diary section.