Hello everyone, I’m Jess - here’s a little bit about me :)

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First of all, I just want to thank the creators and moderators of this website. I am currently on a weight loss journey and was looking for a place where I could interact with like minded people and I’m so glad I came across this site!
I’m currently at an ok weight, but I tend to hold a lot of my weight on my stomach (genetics lol)
I am a notorious yo-yo dieter and have been trying to move this weight around the mid section for probably the last 10 years. My partner is also on this weight loss journey with me, however he has struggled with obesity for most of his life so we have similar goals but a completely different journey. we wanted to do something that would keep ourselves motivated so we started a YouTube channel and honestly putting ourselves out there has kept us on track and very consistent! I think having a good motivator is super important, no matter what that is for you. I won’t post the link here because i don’t want to spam anyone as that’s not my intention with joining but if you did want to check out our journey you can look us up - our channel name is Harley & Jess.
Anyways, back to the important stuff, something I really wanted to share with you all is that we’ve both learnt how much the scale doesn’t mean anything. Our weight would fluctuate up and down so we decided to measure ourselves to and boy did that make a difference! We’ve also started keeping tabs on little things too, like how my partner can tie his shoes easier or how my energy levels have boosted. I just wanted to share this with you in case it helps anyone on their journey who are getting discouraged. Keep going, and focus on how moving to a healthier space makes you feel, not what your number is. Anyways, I’m rambling now and this was only supposed to be an introduction lol. I can’t wait to start meeting you all and let’s all smash our weight loss goals in 2020 together!
Jess xx
Hello, Jess. :) So what is your goal for 2020? (Already two months gone! Where does time fly to?)
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