Hello All..

Hi my name is Jose. Im 22 years old and currently serving 18 months in Iraq. I've always had problems gaining weight. Im currently 130lbs, and I want to gain some more weight. Me and a friend of mines goto the gym when ever we are not on duty, but we atleast go 5 times a week. I've been taking Celltech and NoX2.. we eat 3 meals a day. Now the only thing thats we both noticed is that I can lift heavier weights, but have gained no weight what so ever, which is one of the main things that I would like to accomplish. I picked up a copy of Muscle & Fitness magazine and read about Anator p-70. Would I benfit from that? Also, should I try one of the 'new' creatines with AKG (Alpha-Ketogutatre)? What products should I purchase in order to help me gain weight. Im sorry if I made my 'introduction' alittle too long :D . All comments are welcomed..
Hey Jose! no need to apologize in the long introduction its good to let us know some things about you...first of all welcome!
secondly, i dont much about anator but what u may be interested in is a protein supplement. The reason you are not gaining weight is because you are not eating enough calories in the day. If you are only eating three times, its easy to say that you need more food and more meals. The protein supplement would be great after a work out. maybe some detour bars would be good for you also.
Good Luck :)!!!
Well first let me say thank you for serving. Everyone appreciates what you're doing.

As far as anator, no. Creatine helps, and protein supps help. But what you need first is more food (I'm not sure how hard this is in the service). But since you weigh 130lbs you need to EAT!! At least 1gm of protein /lb of body weight and 3000+ calories a day.
Welcome to the forum. Thank you so much for serving, we all appreciate and respect the work you do for our country. :)