Hi my name is Jose. Im 22 years old and currently serving 18 months in Iraq. I've always had problems gaining weight. Im currently 130lbs, and I want to gain some more weight. Me and a friend of mines goto the gym when ever we are not on duty, but we atleast go 5 times a week. I've been taking Celltech and NoX2.. we eat 3 meals a day. Now the only thing thats we both noticed is that I can lift heavier weights, but have gained no weight what so ever, which is one of the main things that I would like to accomplish. I picked up a copy of Muscle & Fitness magazine and read about Anator p-70. Would I benfit from that? Also, should I try one of the 'new' creatines with AKG (Alpha-Ketogutatre)? What products should I purchase in order to help me gain weight. Im sorry if I made my 'introduction' alittle too long . All comments are welcomed..