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Like i think nearly all others here, i have a problem with my weight.

PS: sorry straight at start for my english but i arn't nativ x.x

So, first comes first serve i heared in the past, so here are my number

Im around 180 cm and my weight is around 105 to 115 Kg.
The KFA Calculator says with the numbers of my Neck (46,68cm) and Waist (125,88 cm) circumference says, that im KAT3 (whatever this means o.o).

For myself, im 35 years old and a male.

So, come we now to my problem.
I was 11 years in the army and before i joined them, my weight was around 73 to 75. But with the start of the army, my weight goes up but not in muscles, earlier in fat even when we do sports daily (2h per day).

In the sport included where normal jogging/running/muscle train, the normal thinks in the army.
Close to the end, i also went to an nutrition hospital, to check if with my body itself is all correct (diseases or something similar) but they told me, all is fine i only weight way to much.
so i "lived" for 3 month how they told me (eating and sport under observation) but nothing changed. they couldnt explain it for themself.

then i quit the army and tried a few diets on my. the last 2 where:
- for 3 month, i only eat a soup or 2 pieces of bread per day with 5 to 20km walkin -> nothing changed
- 1 month keto diet (just eating chicken meat or mushrooms)

at the end, i didnt lose weight, but my belly itself went way bigger then before.

thats the reason why i am here now.
since march this year, we are working at home office (covid ftw) but cuz of this (and i hate humans in rl tbh) gyms are closed and to do sport outside is also not allowed (which i also dont prefer).

its not, that i dont like sports, but when its possible, i do it earlier at home. also i have no problems to change my food radical. but i dont know which diet i can do anymore since like i explained before, i tryed a few thinks and nothing worked.

neither the hospital, the sport at the army or the diets after i quit the army.

but now it went so bad with my belly, that i cant even see my ...... anymore when looking down and also when i look into the mirror from the side, i dont like how it looks.

thats why i want to change something and i hope, you can help me maybe somehow.

Best regards
Hi Developer, and welcome! Good to have you on board. You sound like a medical miracle, to be honest. Do you know exactly how many calories you were eating during the time you were trying to lose weight? Do you have a history of occasional "cheat meals" or binging? What kind of things are you eating right now and how much of them? Sorry to ask all these intrusive questions but it´s hard to say anything specific without having specific information.
Thats no problem to ask those questions.

How i mentioned, i tryed a few thinks (not all that are to many xD).

But to answer your questions:
- the time when i was in the nutrition hospital (feb 2016 - may 2016) i eat around 1600 calories per day with normal sport (swimming / ergometer)
- the time in the army, where we did 2h sports per day ( jogging/running/muscle train ) i eat around 2200 calories (okt 2007 - feb 2018)
- the 3 month where i only eat soup / bread and made sport, per day i had around 900 calories per day

normaly, when i tryed a diet i drink black coffee, tee or water (all without sugar or milk).

the last diet (last month | keto) i only drank water and black coffee and eat just 2 chicken breast per day so i had around 300 to 400 calories per day.

how i mentioned before, atm im in home office (since march this year), so my normal day looks like this:
- waking up at 10 to 11am
- playing / watching pc 11am to 3:30pm
- work from 3:30pm till midnight
- food around 8 pm
- drinking over the whole day around 3 to 5L (water/coffee/tee)
- playing / watching pc from midnight to 4am

in the past itself (before army) i drunk a lot of sugar drinks (red bull / coca cola etc), but since i went to the army, just from the drinks, i never touched anythink other then water/coffee/tee.

i dont know what "binging" means here, but after i joined the army, i just eat what i got there (calories how i mentioned above).

so atm (today and yesterday) my meals looked like this:
- 2 chicken breast (6pm and 8pm)
- 3L of Water / 1L Coffee

- till now i eat nothing
- 1 cup (500ml) coffee and 4 cups water
Oh wow, that´s incredible! By all normal reasoning you should have lost weight with all three plans you mentioned.
i dont know what "binging" means here
It´s when you overeat (or drink) uncontrollably, usually on high-calorie foods (or alcoholic drinks). Some people, when they restrict calories, get the uncontrollable urge to binge once a week (or more often) but then feel so bad about themselves they usually don´t count the calories. And since it´s quite possible to make up for a week of calorie restriction in a single binge it´s no surprise they don´t lose weight. If you´re not doing that, your scales are accurate, and you kept to those plans for up to three months I really don´t see why you didn´t lose weight. Unless you had hormonal or thyroid issues but you say you got checked for all that. Do you have the option to see a nutritionist (remotely or in person)? Because this is definitely not normal and I think you need further professional help. I could find you some sensible/safe exercise videos you could do in your room if you tell me what your current fitness level is if that´s of any use to you.
Thats the reason, why i am here now. Cuz i dont know what to do anymore when even doc.s dont know what to do (at last they mean my body itself is fine, so no Hypothyroidism or somethink like this).

Alcohol itself, i normaly dont drink. the last time was last year in august a glass of whine.
Normaly i drink alcohol 1, max 2 times a year and then not more then 500ml (normaly red whine)

But since we are still in lockdown, we, at last here where i live atm, dont have the option to go to an doctor atm. thats why to go to a gym is also not possible.

So sports at home is rearly fine for me.

My fitnes level mhh, it depends on how you calculate this.
at the moment i do as example per day
- 20 to 40 pushups
- 1min planking
- 60 jumping jacks
- 20 to 30 situps

and this i do 2 times
Ok, so you're pretty fit. That's great! I'm honestly stumped where your intake is concerned - although I'd suggest adding some veggies to up the nutritional value of your meals - but maybe the output side is something you can work with. When you sit down for too long (as we all do in lockdown) circulation in your legs is reduced by quite a bit and it reduces your calories burned. So get up and move around a bit every waking hour (walking, light squats, or lunges, whatever warms up your legs again). The exercises you already do don´t sound bad, but apart from the jumping jacks they´re not really burning a lot of energy in the moment. Maybe instead of one of the two sessions you already do try doing some light cardio for 30 minutes once or twice a day. Dance if that´s something you enjoy. Or try one of these guys´ videos:
Do they look a bit silly while they work out? Yes, they do. But nobody´s going to see you do it, so who cares. Plus these are exercises that are unlikely to hurt you and I´m guessing this is a level you could maintain doing daily without overloading anything. Careful with the jumping at your current weight but if all those jumping jacks are fine with you you´re probably fine.
Hi, Developer & welcome to the forum. I don’t have any answers for you, I’m afraid. I can’t imagine what is stopping you from losing weight. I can offer moral support though & will.
First of all, ty for all the replys till now and sry for my late reply, but i had DO from work so i shout down my pc and didnt saw that someone answered here.

Beside this @LaMaria ty here also for the Video and the idea with the veggies.
atm my fridge is so "full" that i dont have to shop for the next 4 days (where i work), so the veggies i will buy after.

But the cardio train i start then from today when i make my brake.

and @Cate even when its only a moral support, its an support so better then nothing, so ty there also <3
Never worry about not responding "in time"; life just gets busy sometimes. Keep up the good work!
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