Sport Hello all, I Need advice can you help Me ?

Sport Fitness
Hello all
im looking for some advice im a little bit over weight
But recently decided to try and get a toned body.
So i have just started working out.
I do cross fit twice a week and also krav maga.
But would like to speed to process up if i could?.
i have been told about protiene shakes and i should take them
i dont know alot about them will they help me to get slimmer
or gain my muscle quicker .Do they have side affects ?
i eat quite badly (fast food,and i smoke)
But trying to be healthier as my granddad is fitter than me lol :p.

Has anyone got advice on protein drinks and what kind of stuff i need to do to help me out in this process. Im aching so badly at the moment . but determined to have a fit body for the first time !

thanks for your time :)
but determined to have a fit body for the first time !

thanks for your time :)

  1. Want a fit body? Try to quit smoking
  2. Before even considering protein shakes try changing your diet into a healthier one
  3. As long as you use good quality and well made protein shakes/powder there shouldn't be any side effects, at least I haven't experienced any.
  4. If used correctly shakes can speed up recovery but they don't have any superior effects over a well balanced diet. They are after all only a supplement.

Good luck changing your lifestyle!
I definitely agree with Jeppi! Although you probably already know it, quitting smoking will be the best thing you can do for your health.

You are going to have some aches & pains after workouts like the ones you're doing, but if you have the proper recovery 'meal' or snack, you might be able to reduce the soreness that you're feeling as well as feeling more energized for the next workout. Try to take in some complex carbs 1-2 hours before your workout. Complex carbs being veggies, fruit, legumes, whole grains, etc. Within 30-60 mins after your workout, try to have a meal or snack that contains both carbs and protein. Don't try to completely avoid fats, but for the purposes of recovery, it's the carbs and protein that we're looking at. If you can figure out some post-workout snacks that you can handle, I would stick to these. If you really must, then go with the protein shakes, just make sure you have both carbs and protein.

Most milk products work well as recovery foods because they contain both carbs and protein, but this obviously depends on whether or not you can tolerate milk products. Chocolate milk is a very common post-workout recovery 'snack.'

You could also have an apple and some peanut or almond butter.

Chicken or tuna and rice is also common.

You have to find what works for you!