
I've been running out side everyday @ 8:00 am.
It's summer so it's 80 degrees outside in the mourning.
It's actually pretty hot when you're running, not to mention I'm running in a field, so it holds heat. ;/
Anyway, it's tough, but it's not a problem (getting a treadmill soon).
I'm just wondering, do you burn more calories while running like this?
It feels like it. I used to run in spring for 30 mins, now when I run for 20, it feels like 30. So I'm only running about 25 min total. Is my body burning more in the heat, trying to keep it self cool?
Great question!

Technically you burn more calories the colder it is out since it takes energy to keep your body temperature elevated. However, it may seem as though you burnt more during a warm run if you were to weigh yourself before and after running; you would probably drop more weight during a high-temperature run because of the sweating/water loss.

The lethargy you feel on hot days is not merely due to discomfort; it’s also your body’s defense against overheating.

(o: Amber
try running in 95 degrees.. lol i live in florida, i went running the other day, after only 2 miles i was feeling cold.. had like goosbumps so i walked home. so i would think its better running in a colder place so that you can exercise longer and withought any danger of the sun! :-D
The temperature also has to do with the density of the air. While running in 80+ degree weather your taking in thinner air (assuming everyone is near the same altitude) as opposed to running in 50-60 degree weather the air is much more dense so your getting more air in the same size breath. Running in hotter weather will help your cardiovascular system greatly, of coarse it will seem harder, but it's actually helping you open your lungs more. Eg. If one person could run 4 miles in 50 degree weather and reach failure, and another person could run 4 miles in 95 degree weather and reach failure, the person who could run in the hotter environment for the same distance and time would be in much better shape. <~ And could probably run much further in colder conditions.
I believe it burns more calories. Simply because, your body is trying to cool itself by sweating, but mostly because running in hotter weather is more difficult. For example what burns more calories, squating 200 for 5 reps, or squating 300 for 5 reps. It's just harder, so it takes more energy (Kcal).
but if you can squat 300 5 times you would be able to squat 200 more then 10 times.. ;p
great point tho :)