I recently purchased a new heart rate moniter and it confirmed what I'd suspected for a while; when exercising at anything more than an extremely moderate pace, my heart rate goes above the 85% range of my maximum and stays there. I have considerable drop in the first minute after ceasing exercise, (as much as 45 beats per minute). My question is: am I doing harm by regularly and repeatedly exercising in the "performance zone" of 85%+?
I've actually been able to take my heart rate above what it calculates my maximum heart rate to be.
A few stats for some background:
39 years old, 6'2" 195 lbs. Resting heart rate:42 beats per minute. I do 3 different cardio workouts, 1 is a sprint workout for about 15 minutes, one is a combination run (2-3 miles) bike 10-30 kms and run 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 miles and the third is a long slow distance run of at least 6 miles at 10 minutes per mile.
I find I have to work hard to keep my heart rate below the 85% range even when doing 10 minute miles. In my shorter runs I run at about a 6:40 and am able to run a sub 6 minute mile. I also use weight training and am ramping up the on bike workouts as the weather warms up.
I'm training for bike race season, both road and mountain and duathlons but I'm wondering if I should be emphasizing the "fitness zone" of 65-85% more than the "performance zone" of 85% plus.
While I appreciate all responses, I would actually only like to hear from well qualified persons, I dont mean to be rude, but I can speculate just fine on my own and would like serious answers from people trained, qualified and experienced in high performance training. THanks, no disrespect intended
I've actually been able to take my heart rate above what it calculates my maximum heart rate to be.
A few stats for some background:
39 years old, 6'2" 195 lbs. Resting heart rate:42 beats per minute. I do 3 different cardio workouts, 1 is a sprint workout for about 15 minutes, one is a combination run (2-3 miles) bike 10-30 kms and run 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 miles and the third is a long slow distance run of at least 6 miles at 10 minutes per mile.
I find I have to work hard to keep my heart rate below the 85% range even when doing 10 minute miles. In my shorter runs I run at about a 6:40 and am able to run a sub 6 minute mile. I also use weight training and am ramping up the on bike workouts as the weather warms up.
I'm training for bike race season, both road and mountain and duathlons but I'm wondering if I should be emphasizing the "fitness zone" of 65-85% more than the "performance zone" of 85% plus.
While I appreciate all responses, I would actually only like to hear from well qualified persons, I dont mean to be rude, but I can speculate just fine on my own and would like serious answers from people trained, qualified and experienced in high performance training. THanks, no disrespect intended