Heart Rate


New member
Hi my name is Jordan,
I am new to this forum and in complete gratitude for any advice you can give me for my question!
I tore my ACL about 6 months ago and underwent surgery 2 months ago. So for six months I sat and ate, a horrible combo. Before this accident I was running 20 miles a week. Since that kind of work is out I started using an elliptical a week ago for about 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week doing interval training. How can I optimize my weight loss? Is it true a lower heart rate is better at targeting fat loss(125-140 BPM) or is my interval training a better method? I hear things like brisk walking would be better than using the elliptical for losing my extra pounds. Someone please shed some light on this!!!!!
Forget what those people are telling you, you're on the right track. Interval training is definitely the way to go. Don't forget resistance training if you are able to and focus on your nutrition.
What does your Doctor say ? In your case he or she would be the only one I would trust, since they would be the only ones truly aware of your medical condition.