Heart hurts when I run! Problem?

Ive been running for about 2 months and its great i feel good when im doing it and i do about 2-4 miles a day. The only problem is around midway through the second mile when i really start to feel the work out my heart starts to hurt. It starts as a gentle pinch but after about 100 m I have to stop and let it calm down. This usually happens twice per run, but I just walk about 100 m and then continue my run cuz im ba like that/dumb.

anybody know what this is?

also am I dying? :D

Have you told your doctor about it?

I would report a symptom like that.

I do tend to wait awhile before I see my doctor for most things that I feel. That's because most of the things that I'm talking about tend to resolve on their own or are things that I can treat with advil, rest, ice, OTC stuff. However, if something persists or if it's way beyond the scope of that sort of self-treatment/wait-and-see approach, then I call the doctor. What you describe, to me, warrants a call to the doctor. It might be something as simple as gas/indigestion/acid reflux, but better to know for sure than to wait, IMO. Good luck.
You need to work up to running that hard. You should slow it down to a speed where you can run the full 4 miles without the hard pains even if this is significantly slower than you are running now, then slowly but steadily increase your run intensity.

If you work up this way you will also build the endurance to be able to run further and faster.
All in good time.
Like Zeroth hinted on....you need to see a doctor about this