Healthy & Speedy Minestrone Soup


New member
by Spartacus Mars: link There are as many varieties of Minestrone (literally "BIG SOUP") as there are people who cook it.

My version is is created with speedy preparation in mind and avoids using pasta substituting Pearl Barley as the thickener, though wholemeal pasta can be used if you prefer. Also avoided are the use of chicken stock or stock cubes instead adding salt and lots of ground pepper directly.

You can easily add/remove vegetables and pulses as availability and taste dictate.

4 large carrots
1 large onion
2 medium leeks
4 sticks celery

2x 400g tinned tomatoes
1x 400g tinned mixed beans

120g dried pearl barley

2 teaspoons sea salt flakes (or any salt)
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

Any fresh vegetables you like (e.g. runner beans)
Very interesting recipe!. I truly like this stir fry recipe because it is very delicious
Thanks for sharing this helpful post with us!! This is amazing Minestrone recipe.. Post more healthy food recipes to stay healthy and fit.
Doesn't minestrone typically have some type of noodles in it?? where'd I get that from?