Weight-Loss Healthy snack alternatives when drinking alcohol?



New member
I find that after a few too many beers I'll reach for anything that's there infront of me. Willpower goes out the window when I'm a bit tipsy, so I was wondering what are the good alternatives to the usual snacks you have whilst drinking.

Any suggestions?
Roasted chickpeas. You can roast them with any spices you like, and the results are fantastically crunchy without being fatty like nuts or chips. Plus they're high protein, so they fill you up as well. I couldn't recommend them highly enough. They're nature's drunk food dontcha know. ;)

I usually put cumin, garlic powder, sea salt, and cracked black pepper on mine. Bake at 500 degrees 'til crunchy.
This is a hard one- I drink and don't eat because I know there are so many calories in the alcohol I drink!

Could you not clamp down a bit the previous day/s before you go out to drink?

Failing that, could try things like pitta filled with lean meat like chicken- eating something more filling could be a better option as your less likely to pick and keep on picking -which itself can lead to all sorts of trouble! Also if you have just one, largish thing your less likely to want dinner separatly to it.