Weight-Loss Healthy Request: Tomato Soup?



New member

I have been eating tomato soup for the past couple of weeks during my diet, usually by itself or with a yogurt for protein. I have read the labels 90 calories, 15 from fat per serving. The can is 2.5 servings in itself, which I can eat all of unfortunetly, should this be something I cut out of my diet or is it decent enough for a lunch?
soup isn't bad choice -and the healthy request line is a little better than some others - you're getting 225 calories in the can, and it's less than 30 percent from fat - so you're in good shape.

I don't think those soups have much fiber in them so you might want some veggies on the side.. and canned soups, even the healthy request, are high in sodium - so watch that too... too much sodium can lead to water retention
You might want to mix it up a little more. Also, don't forget the calories from the yogurt. If you've got 225 calories from the soup, then grab a container of Yoplait yogrt with 190 calories, suddenly you're at 415 calories - pretty much the same amount of calories as a quarter pounder from McDonald's, without the cheese, which is 420.
I personally get the Lite 85, which actually has 80 calories in it. Anyways, if you look at the type of fat in that burger, there isnt much in common with my meal.