"healthy" people shouldnt take fish oil supplements?

was reading through this webmd article and came across this:
Unless a doctor is treating you for heart disease or high triglyceride levels, you should not take fish oil supplements, says Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, Tufts University researcher and chairwoman of the American Heart Association (AHA) nutrition committee.

"Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids are cardio-protective and the basis for the AHA recommendation to consume fatty fish twice weekly," she says. "But the studies do not show that popping a supplement can have the same benefit in healthy individuals." She adds, "There is also a misperception that fish oils can lower cholesterol, but this is not true."

If you don't like fatty fish such as salmon, Lichtenstein recommends eating other kinds of fish such as canned tuna. (Just be sure to avoid any fish that is breaded and fried.)

Foods such as canola oil, soybeans, flax, walnuts and algae are all sources of omega-3s, but they are not a substitute for fatty fish.

Clark will continue to recommend omega-3 fatty acids supplements because "most people don't come near meeting the AHA recommendations for fatty fish twice weekly, and with a heightened fear of mercury levels in all types of fish, people are not coming close to getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diets."
The Truth Behind the Top 10 Dietary Supplements
So what about the tons of other benefits they offer?
Smells fishy....

I don't think there's a supplement that have been better researched then Omega 3 / EPA/DHA. There's more in it than just a healthy heart.
To me it sounds like the study she's referencing simply didn't test using supplements. Therefore, she cannot say that supplemental fish oil has the same benefit.

I'd agree, that would be bad science.

There's other studies out there that DO show the benefits of fish oil supps.