Sport Healthy Meals in the Dorm

Sport Fitness
Hey everyone -

I'm getting sick and tired of seeing how cafeteria food is essentially undoing anything that I do in the gym, so I'd like to ask for some help on quick ways to eat healthier with meals that I bring. (I mean, what kind of cafeteria has eggs, sausages, corn dogs, fries, and pancakes with chocolate and whipped cream for dinner? What am I supposed to choose out of those options?)

I'm basically looking for breakfast and dinner ideas, because lunch they almost always have a sandwich bar where I can make a reasonably healthy meal. Breakfast, I'm mostly concerned about getting some protein, but as it is, I can just eat Kellogg's Complete cereal. But dinner is always a wildcard.

So what are some possible dinners that I could either buy and prepare at school, or could make relatively easily (I can't really cook) over the weekends and then bring to school?

I'm basically looking for breakfast and dinner ideas, because lunch they almost always have a sandwich bar where I can make a reasonably healthy meal.

They don't have a salad or sandwich bar at dinner?

If they have a salad bar, eat a big salad there, then go back to your room and open a few cans of sardines or salmon for protein if you could not find healthy protein sources in the cafeteria.

For breakfast, do they even have oatmeal or some other (unsweetened whole grain) hot cereal? Or fruit? Hard cooked eggs (for protein)?
They do usually have a salad bar, but it's almost always iceberg lettuce... is that good enough? Occasionally, they'll have spinach and stuff too, but I'm not a big fan. Time to suck it up and eat it anyway?

Usually the Complete is the best possible option for breakfast. Other cereals are Rice Krispies, Fruit Loops, etc. Fruit is apples, bananas, and oranges - I usually have an apple or a banana. For protein, though, they have scrambled eggs but I'm kind of concerned about the amount of fat and cholesterol in eggs, since I can't eat white-only when it's scrambled.
They do usually have a salad bar, but it's almost always iceberg lettuce... is that good enough? Occasionally, they'll have spinach and stuff too, but I'm not a big fan. Time to suck it up and eat it anyway?

Spinach and darker leafy lettuce and other greens are more nutritious than iceberg lettuce. What other things do they have in the salad bar?

Usually the Complete is the best possible option for breakfast. Other cereals are Rice Krispies, Fruit Loops, etc. Fruit is apples, bananas, and oranges - I usually have an apple or a banana. For protein, though, they have scrambled eggs but I'm kind of concerned about the amount of fat and cholesterol in eggs, since I can't eat white-only when it's scrambled.

You might want to eat oranges as well. No hot cereal?

Regarding eggs, some people are more sensitive to dietary cholesterol than others (in terms of effect on blood cholesterol). It might not be easy to tell which category you are in, though. Although if you also eat fruit and/or oats with the same meal, the soluble fiber in them may reduce the amount of dietary cholesterol absorbed. There is also another thread in this forum specifically discussing eggs and cholesterol that you may want to read.

If you can digest milk, that can be another source of protein (if you are concerned about the high fat content, do they have skim milk or skim milk plain yogurt?).
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Alright, I'll try to switch it up with the oranges in there. Guess there's nothing really wrong with eating oranges, they're okay too. No hot cereal, except occasionally (probably once every other week) they'll have some oatmeal, but I've never had it.

The salad bar includes regulars like dressings, croutons, cheese, etc. Sometimes they'll have other vegetables, like tomatoes or something. And cottage cheese :) Wow, I just realized that I've been skipping over that every day.

I've also been looking at that eggs thread, actually. I don't know if I'm susceptible to dietary cholesterol but my family has a history of heart problems and high cholesterol, so I guess I'd kind of like to stay on the safe side. And it's mostly the fat that I'm worried about, since it's so calorie-dense. Do you know if eggs have "good" or "bad" fats?

Generally I'll have fat-free milk at breakfast, but I never thought of using it as a source of protein too, good idea!
Here is the nutrition data in a scrambled egg, including what fatty acids it contains:

Regarding the salad bar, add other vegetables in your salad when available. Avoid the creamy or thick salad dressings. Croutons can also be much higher in calories that you expect. Nuts and seeds are nutritious, but calorie dense.
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Thanks, that was really helpful. I think I'll stick to eating egg-whites normally, but I don't think there's anything wrong with eating scrambled eggs in the morning.

How's this for a dinner plan: Eat a salad, with dark leafy greens, other veggies, and cottage cheese. If there's anything else healthy, eat that - otherwise, head back to the room, eat some other form of protein (any suggestions besides egg whites? How should I prepare canned tuna, salmon, etc?) and call it a day.
How should I prepare canned tuna, salmon, etc?) and call it a day.

Canned tuna, salmon, or sardines can be eaten straight from the can, or with your favorite condiment (mustard, hot sauce, etc.).

Or if you want to have some carbs with your protein, in a sandwich between slices of whole grain bread (with condiments / vegetables as desired).

Note that some types of tuna can be high in mercury; canned light tuna (not "tongol", though) is usually from a lower mercury type than canned white tuna. Canned (wild) salmon and sardines tend to be less risky with respect to mercury contamination.
Sounds good. Yeah, I've noticed that when I eat tuna from the can, I get this weird metallic taste... probably not good. I'll try some salmon next time, since I don't know (yet) if I like sardines.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated.
Eat the ****ing eggs and stop whining about how this food isnt as good as X food that they dont have. You're not gonna eat iceberg lettuce because romain lettuce is better? They dont have romaine so eat the damn iceberg.

If you question everything then you'll get nowhere. Make those big salads using the turkey or ham that should be there. Throw on as many vegetables as you can, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc.

Kellogs complete whatever is definitely not as good as some eggs and sausage, especially taste wise.
Hey, I was never complaining that my food isn't as good as some other food - I'm just trying to figure out a way to eat healthily while knowing that the cafe isn't always the best. If you read a bit more carefully, you'll see that I was asking which was the better choice - it's not like I'm not going to eat because I'm thinking too much about this stuff.
So what are some possible dinners that I could either buy and prepare at school, or could make relatively easily (I can't really cook) over the weekends and then bring to school?


Okay, firstly, what tony said, minus the snark. Depending on what you're aiming for in terms of macronutrient balance, you might be able to make the cafeteria work. But it'll take some real thought (with regard to tracking) on your part.

But, you know what's real simple? Coming up with a meal plan for the week, each week, then cooking all of your meals for the next 3-4 days twice a week and stuffing them into containers to take with you to school. It seems like a lot of work, at first, but you get used to it, then you start to like it. Cooking's fun. But, if all you want is quick and easy fare, it hardly takes any time at all to cook up a ****lot of vegetables and lean meat, and then slice up some fruit. An hour for the whole 3-4 days worth, start to finish, with a little know-how.

If you want a sample meal plan I can see if I've got some of my old stuff kicking around, but it's not really hard to come up with a basic

Meals 1-3
Lean Protein + Vegetables + Serving of fruit
Meals 4-5
(Not necessarily Lean) Protein + Vegetables + serving of mono/poly fats

type plan. Just alternate food choices as often as is conceivable/convenient/to your tastes/etc.
I'm getting sick and tired of seeing how cafeteria food is essentially undoing anything that I do in the gym,

I mean, what kind of cafeteria has eggs, sausages, corn dogs, fries, and pancakes with chocolate and whipped cream for dinner? What am I supposed to choose out of those options?)

Breakfast, I'm mostly concerned about getting some protein, but as it is, I can just eat Kellogg's Complete cereal. But dinner is always a wildcard.

They do usually have a salad bar, but it's almost always iceberg lettuce... is that good enough? Occasionally, they'll have spinach and stuff too, but I'm not a big fan. Time to suck it up and eat it anyway?

Usually the Complete is the best possible option for breakfast. Other cereals are Rice Krispies, Fruit Loops, etc. Fruit is apples, bananas, and oranges - I usually have an apple or a banana. For protein, though, they have scrambled eggs but I'm kind of concerned about the amount of fat and cholesterol in eggs, since I can't eat white-only when it's scrambled.

Hey, I was never complaining that my food isn't as good as some other food - I'm just trying to figure out a way to eat healthily while knowing that the cafe isn't always the best. If you read a bit more carefully, you'll see that I was asking which was the better choice - it's not like I'm not going to eat because I'm thinking too much about this stuff.

Sorry I was coarse. See my above quoted parts to see the info I was getting. The Kellogs Complete is not your best option for breakfast. I think your idea of healthy meals is as construed as most, "I have to eat salads" or "Healthy foods must taste like crap." You can eat those eggs, sausages, pancakes and still get to where you want to go.
Thanks, Focus. Actually, if you could give me a recipe or two, I'd really like to try out a few things because honestly, I've never cooked a (real) meal in my life.

Sorry if I wasn't too clear either. I meant that if there isn't any other option for breakfast, there's always the Complete, but I usually get the eggs anyway. As for the sausages... well, I know that it's protein and stuff but I just wonder about all the fat. They're pretty much baked in grease. (And I kinda like the Complete :))
Sorry if I wasn't too clear either. I meant that if there isn't any other option for breakfast, there's always the Complete, but I usually get the eggs anyway. As for the sausages... well, I know that it's protein and stuff but I just wonder about all the fat. They're pretty much baked in grease. (And I kinda like the Complete :))

The eggs would generally be ok in reasonable amounts, but most sausages are mostly fat (mostly the bad kind) and only a little protein (same goes for bacon). Ham or Canadian bacon (back bacon) is much leaner and higher in protein.
Thanks, Focus. Actually, if you could give me a recipe or two, I'd really like to try out a few things because honestly, I've never cooked a (real) meal in my life.

Sorry if I wasn't too clear either. I meant that if there isn't any other option for breakfast, there's always the Complete, but I usually get the eggs anyway. As for the sausages... well, I know that it's protein and stuff but I just wonder about all the fat. They're pretty much baked in grease. (And I kinda like the Complete :))

Wipe off the grease. Just have one or two pieces instead of say 6 and you'll be alright. Make sure you're within calorie limits of course.

The eggs would generally be ok in reasonable amounts, but most sausages are mostly fat (mostly the bad kind) and only a little protein (same goes for bacon). Ham or Canadian bacon (back bacon) is much leaner and higher in protein.

Of course they are, but he didnt mention they have canadian bacon.