Weight-Loss Healthy Grocery list for $20/week



New member
I have no job, and am currently trying to finish my diploma, and if I want anything specific I'll have to buy it myself. My budget is only $20 a week or so for food. I don't have to buy my own milk, or whole wheat bread,but I still have issues trying to work with $20 for a week. Help me with a healthy grocery list on my low budget! What are some essentials I need for nutrition that I absolutely cannot leave out? Also I'm on a low calorie plan.

I'm not a big fruit lover, but vegetables are alright.
You need to read the stickied threads in the forum to figure out what low calorie means and where your calorie range should be - and also to learn about nutrition...

There are a few grocery list threads in the nutrition forum - use the search function - they will turn up - very few people have 1000s of dollars to spend a week on groceries - and there really are no diet foods you should or shouldnt be eating - eat what you like - in moderation...

beans are a low cost source of protein - plus high fiber...

if somoene is buying you milk and bread - I assume you live with family? Talkt o them about what your eating habits are - having the family involved is never a bad thing
I already have what I need for low calories, I've been grinding through low calorie ideas for years. I've calculated not only my BMR, but the calories people who are at my goal weight should be eating with what type of life styles, and I've made my caloric goal to be between 1300-1700 calories a day.

However, I disagree with you about eating what I like in moderation, for two reasons. What I like isn't satisfying enough to stop at moderation, and it gives me less "bang for my buck". Also true is that my current diet is giving me very little nuitrition, and this life style change isn't solely about being thin, but being healthy.

I made my own thread, because I wanted ideas specifically for me, and my circumstances.

I do live with my family, who is currently living in poverty, and they are not able to always make the healthier purchases. They live on the "what's on sale" rule, and whatever is healthier that comes into the house, doesn't last very long.
Budget foods

I understand your plight. It seems that there are no good foods out there for someone who is watching calories on a budget. But here are a few tricks I've learned:

1. Eat an apple 15 minutes before every meal. Studies show that those who eat an apple before their meal consume an average of 200 fewer calories per meal... that's a lot! You can get a bag of apples very inexpensively, and they keep for a long time.

2. A 10 pound sack of potatoes on sale can be less than $4. Not good if you're watching carbs, but a potato generally has only about 100 calories. By having the potato and topping it with lean protein and veggies you get a really filling meal.

3. Egg whites! Eggs are cheap... buy in bulk and save even more. You can make yourself an egg white omelet or stir fry with frozen veggies anytime for a very filling meal. Protein will keep you full.

4. Canned soups are generally cheap, and you don't even need the special diet kind. Just look for brothy soups (avoid the "cream of" kinds of soups).

5. Buy dried beans instead of canned. You have to plan ahead and soak them, but they are very filling and low in calories. Also use brown rice instead of white... more filling and better for you.

6. Buy whole chickens instead of just chicken breasts, and learn how to cut up a chicken by yourself (heck, if my grandma could do it, so can I). There really isn't much difference in calories between dark and light meat. Then use the bones and scraps to make a stock or soup. Homemade soup is always great.

7. Cheap produce items: cabbage, apples, potatoes, carrots (don't buy the baby carrots... peel and cut your own), oranges (in season), celery.

I generally find that the more "whole food" I eat (not processed, packaged food), the less I spend and the less I weigh. I shop at Aldi or Wal-Mart. Try Googling "how to eat on $20 a week" or "eat on $2 a day" or things like that and you'll find a ton of ideas.
I've been eating a lot of Turkey Bologna lately and I love it. It's like $4 for 16 slices. That's what I usually have for lunch. So it's like $3 a week for lunch for me. I usually have left over side dishes from the night before to go with it. Tuna as someone else mentioned is also very cheap, but having that often is apparently dangerous with the high mercury.