Sport Healthy fat in evening snack?

Sport Fitness
Just a quick question... I'm wondering if it's okay to eat something like half an avocado at about 8 pm at night (I usually work out in the late afternoon/early evening and go to bed around 11:00 pm). It's been taken into account as part of my daily caloric total, but I'm wondering if the timing is counterproductive. I know that many people stay away from foods with a high glycemic impact past a certain hour, and curious if there's any such consideration for fat.

good quality fats like the ones found in avocado can actually be beneficial.
Have a little protein as well. The fat will slow down the digestion of it and keep your body from breaking down muscle tissue for aminos longer during your fast (sleep). Also, the EFAs in avocados have many positive effects.
As long as you arent eating too much, I would totally recommend avocado.
Not a problem at all.

In general you want most of your carbs early in the day and more fats later in the day with protein staying pretty constant.

If you trying to get lean avoid any carbs with a GI of greater then 55. The exception being during and after an intense excercise session.
This is a basic plan I give to people in my gym to follow:

Meal 1 - 40% of total carb cals, 15% fat, minimal fat
Meal 2 - 5% carbs, 15% protein, 10% fat fat
Meal 3 - 5% carbs, 15% protein, 10% fat
Meal 4 - 40% carbs, 15% protein, minimal fat
Meal 5 - 5% carbs, 15% protein, 30% fat
Meal 6 - no carbs, 155 protein, 30% fat

it allows for a little spill over this way so it dowesn't feel so much like a u are on the right track
opps. that's 15% protein...they don't all eqaul 100% to allow for a little spill's a very general plan but rather easy for beginners to do
Small servings of good fats are excellent to have at night. Avocado, as well as raw or dry roasted nuts. You can have a little protein with it too. Keep the carbs minimal in the last meal. :)
