Sport Healthy drinks

Sport Fitness
Just wondering what healthy drinks people like besides just lame ass water. Also i was trying to search for the "FRS" thread so i could read it. I couldnt find it in the search so can someone point me in the right direction as to where it is or tell me if its healthy enough and gives a pick me up.

I ask because im trying to find a decent alt. drink instead of drinking water and getting bored and dehydrated. Also looking for a pick me up drink that i can drink mid afternoon and right before my workout so i can be motivated to go.

I am not looking for coffee as a pick me up. Straight black coffee is to bitter to me and i just want to avoid putting "bad" stuff in coffee to be able to drink it so i want to avoid it at all costs which is why i brought up FRS. Thank you.
1) Tea, particularly green tea.

2) Um, coffee. :) Make sure you are preparing it properly. There are many great websites out there that can help. Drinking it black may be an acquired taste, though, it took me awhile to develop it, but now I love it. A press pot is the way to go if you can find the time.

3) Fresh squeezed fruit juice. I limit this to one cup per day, though.

4) Water. :-D

5) A glass or two of red wine per day.

This is all I ever drink with the exception of sports drink, and I drink that only when it is truly needed.

Hope this helps!
Ya thats like the advice i TRY to follow from my grandpa. "If it tastes good it aint good for ya" lol.

Like i said i will drink water most of the time but i know i will get tired of it and was just looking for something as a alternate.

What site is reliable you found on how to make coffee "right"? How about green tea?
Green tea is simple, add hot water ;-) I have some peach green tea that adds some sweetness and has enough pick me up to keep me going in the mornings. Eating a raw orange midday is a good pick me up as well.

I know fake sugar isnt great for you, but, I did pick up some sugar free crystal light this weekend because there are times where I just need some sort of sweetness to what I am drinking. Some people can never kick the "water is just to boring". The football coach at my college even drank diet coke because he hated plain water that much, and he was very fit.

To each his own, but I hope some of the options help.
Ya thats like the advice i TRY to follow from my grandpa. "If it tastes good it aint good for ya" lol.

Like i said i will drink water most of the time but i know i will get tired of it and was just looking for something as a alternate.

What site is reliable you found on how to make coffee "right"? How about green tea?

sometimes adding a bit of lemon helps. Also you could water down some juices if it is that bad. I'm a plain water drinker, but there are times when a little something is nice. I'll add a little juice to my water. Or you could water down a Vit 10 water.......(by the way note that it is actually 25 cals, not 10 but that isn't really that much....)
I used to DETEST water too! Then I prepped for my first show and went without water for almost 24 hours. Never felt so much appreciation for anything in my life after that. Water is nectar of the Gods once you go without.

I agree about the lemon. Also my mom made some sort of thing where you put a bit of cucumber and ginger to soak in it in the fridge. Very refreshing and supposedly removes bloat. My mom needs to lose about 30 lbs so I dont' know if it rid her of that "bloat" but it did taste nice.
thanks for the advice guys