Healthy Diet

When I was taught about nutrition and exercise for children/adolescents, I was taught that it can be a bad idea for children to try to lose any weight even if they are overweight. Since you're growing, you don't want to try to make your body stop growing, but should minimise weight gain, choose more nutritious foods and train for body composition (replacing fat with muscle). Any weight-loss should be minimal, about 1kg/month (which, thanks to our body's constantly consuming, using and excreting foods, is very hard to would probably take 5 months to see a definite change on the scales, but you'd hopefully see more apparent changes in clothing sizes and BMI as your height increases).

When organising a healthy meal plan, for most people, looking at the healthy eating pyramid is a good start. 2 serves of meat/day, 3 serves of fruit, 3 serves of dairy, 5 serves of vegetables and 6 serves of bread/cereal/grain can go a long way.

For dinner, have your serve of meat with 3 serves of vegetables. This is a pretty standard dinner, really (although people often like to try and fit in 2-3 serves of meat, and only 1-2 serves of vegetables, so you may need to reverse the proportions). One way to go about it is pick 3 colours, and have a serve of vegetables for each colour.

For lunch, have a couple sandwiches with a small portion of meat on each and with salad, or make a salad wrap. You could also have a rice or pasta dish with a curry.
Hi Godfish.
Here I am sharing one soup that will help you to reduce the weight.WONDER SOUP

The following soup is intended as supplement to you diet. It can be eaten any time of day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to drink large quantities of this soup.
23 oz water
6 oz large onions
2 oz green peppers
3 oz whole tomatoes
1 oz cabbage
1 oz bunch celery - add herbs and seasoning as desired

This program is highly recommended for women and men for whom excess weight is especially dangerous. Daily mild exercise of 20 minutes is also essential Do no tire yourself out, but being regular in your exercise and maintaining an ideal weight goes a long way in ensuring a happy, healthy and long life.